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A physicist’s guide to ice cream: the complex science behind one of the world’s most popular desserts

What exactly is ice cream? For most of us, it’s a tasty frozen dessert, but to food scientists like Douglas Goff, it’s also a marvel of physics and chemistry. Ice cream is a complex multiphase material, containing emulsion, foam, crystals, solutes and solvent. Whether made in a domestic kitchen or on a commercial scale, ice cream requires a finely tuned ratio of ingredients and precision control during mixing, churning and freezing.

Goff is a researcher in food science at the University of Guelph in Canada and an expert in the science of ice cream. In addition to his research studying, among other things, structure and ingredient functionality in ice cream, Goff is also the instructor on the University of Guelph’s annual ice-cream course, which, having been taught since 1914, is the longest-running at the university.

In a conversation with Physics World’s Hamish Johnston, Goff explains the science of ice cream, why it’s so hard to make vegan ice cream and how his team performs electron microscopy experiments without their samples melting.

How would you describe the material properties of ice cream to a physicist?

Ice cream is an incredibly complex multi-phase system. It starts as an emulsion, where fat droplets are dispersed in a sugary water-based solution. Then we whip the emulsion to incorporate an air phase into it – this is called foaming (see “Phases in ice cream”). In a frozen tub of ice cream, about half of the volume is air. That air is present in the form of tiny bubbles that are distributed throughout the product.

Then we partially freeze the aqueous phase, turning at least half of the water into microscopically small ice crystals. The remaining unfrozen phase is what makes the ice cream soft, scoopable and chewable. It remains unfrozen because of all the sugar that’s dissolved in it, which depresses the freezing point.

So you end up with fat droplets in the form of an emulsion, air bubbles in the form of a foam, a partially crystalline solvent in the form of ice crystals, and a concentrated sugar solution.

Phases in ice cream

Phases of ice cream
(Courtesy: Left iStock/Moussa81; Right Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license)

Emulsion: Some liquids, such as oil and water, will not mix if a droplet of one is added to the other – they are said to be immiscible. If many droplets of one liquid can be stabilized in another without coalescing, the resulting mixture is called an emulsion (left image).

Foam: A foam, like an emulsion, consists of two phases where one is dispersed in the other. In the case of foam, many tiny gas bubbles are trapped in a liquid or solid (right image).

Glass: When a liquid is cooled below a certain temperature, it generally undergoes a first-order phase transition to a solid crystal. However, if a liquid can be cooled below its freezing point without crystallizing (supercooling) – for example, if it is cooled very quickly, it may form glass – an amorphous solid with a disordered, liquid-like structure but solid-like mechanical properties. The temperature at which the glass forms, marked by a rapid increase in the material’s viscosity, is called the glass transition temperature.

What are the length scales of the different phases in the ice cream?

We’ve done a lot of electron microscopy research studying this in my lab. In fact, our research was some of the very first that utilized electron microscopy techniques for the structure of ice cream. The fat droplets are about one micron in diameter and the air bubbles, depending on the equipment that’s used, would be about 20 to 30 microns in diameter. The ice crystals are in the 10 to 20 micron size range.

It really is a beautiful thing to look at under an electron microscope, depending on the technique that you use (see image).

Electron microscope image of ice cream shows the air bubbles, ice crystals and fat droplets, each surrounded by a layer of sugary solvent
Close up Ice cream imaged with an electron microscope. The image shows the air bubbles, ice crystals and fat droplets, each surrounded by a layer of sugary solvent. (Courtesy: Douglas Goff)

What are the big differences between ice cream that’s made in a commercial setting versus a domestic kitchen?

The freezing and whipping happen at the same time whether it’s an ice cream maker in the kitchen or a commercial operation. The biggest difference between what you do in the kitchen and what they’re going to do in the factory is the structure of the ice cream. Homemade ice cream is fine for maybe a day or two, but it starts to get icy pretty quickly, whereas we want a shelf life of months to a year when ice cream is made commercially.

This is because of the way the ice phase evolves over time – a process called recrystallization. If ice cream warms up it starts to melt. When the temperature is lowered again, water is frozen back into the ice phase, but it doesn’t create new ice crystals, it just grows onto the existing ice crystals.

This means that if ice cream is subject to lots of temperature fluctuation during storage, it’s going to degrade and become icy much quicker than if it was stored at a constant temperature. The warmer the temperature, the faster the rate of recrystallization. Commercial freezing equipment will give you much smaller ice crystal size than homemade ice cream machines. Low and constant temperature storage is what everybody strives for, and so the lower the temperature and the more constant it is, and the smaller the ice crystals are to begin with, the longer your shelf life before changes start occurring.

There’s also another structural element that is important for the long-term storage of ice cream. When that unfrozen sugary solvent phase gets concentrated enough, it can undergo a glass transition (see “Phases in ice cream”). Glass is an amorphous solid, so if this happens, there will be no movement of water or solute within the system and it can remain unchanged for years. For ice cream, the glass transition temperature is around –28 to –32° C so if you want long-term storage, you have to get down below that that glass transition temperature.

The third thing is the addition of stabilisers. Those are things like locust bean gum, guar gum or cellulose gum and there are some novel ones as well. What those do is increase the viscosity in the unfrozen phase. This slows down the rate of ice recrystallization because it slows down the diffusion of water and the growth of ice.

There are also some other novel agents that can prevent ice from recrystallizing into large crystals. One of these is called propylene glycol monostearate, it absorbs onto the surface of an ice crystal and prevents it from growing as the temperature fluctuates. This is also something we see in nature. Some insect, fish and plant species that live in cold environments have proteins that control the growth of ice in their blood and tissues. A lot of fish, for example, swim around with minute ice crystals in their in their body, but the proteins prevent the crystals from getting big enough to cause harm.

Arctic cod swimming through icy seas
Cool customers Specialized proteins that prevent the formation of large ice crystals enable some animals, such as the Arctic cod pictured above, to live in subzero conditions. (Courtesy: Elizabeth Calvert Siddon (NOAA/UAF))

How does adding flavourings to ice cream change the manufacturing process?

When you think about ice cream around the world, there are hundreds of different flavours. The important question is whether the flavouring will impact the solution or emulsion.

For example, a chocolate chip will be inert, it’s not going to interact at all with the rest of the matrix. Strawberries on the other hand, really impact the system because of the high sugar content in the fruit preparation. We need to add sugar to the fruit to make sure it is softer than the ice cream itself – you don’t want to bite into ice cream and find a hard, frozen berry. The problem is that some of that sugar will diffuse into the unfrozen phase and lower its freezing point. This means that if you don’t do anything to the formulation, strawberry ice cream will be softer than something like vanilla because of the added sugar.

Another example would be alcohol-based flavours, anything from rum to Baileys Irish Cream or Frangelico, or even wine and beer. They’re very popular but the alcohol depresses the freezing point, so if you add enough to give you the flavour intensity that you want, your product won’t freeze. In that case, you might need to add less of the alcohol and a little bit more of a de-alcoholized flavouring.

You can try to make ice cream with just about any flavour, but you certainly have to look at what that flavouring is going to do to the structure and things like shelf life and so on.

Pistachio ice cream
Spoilt for choice From Jalapeno peppers to blue cheese, ice cream comes in almost every flavour imaginable. However, additional ingredients can change the stability and freezing point, so creating new flavours requires careful consideration of physics and chemistry. (Shutterstock/Radoxist studio)

Nowadays one can also buy vegan ice creams. How do the preparation and ingredients differ compared to dairy products?

A lot of it will be similar. We’re going to have an emulsified fat source, typically something like coconut oil or palm kernel oil, and then there’s the sugar, stabilisers and so on that you would have in a dairy ice cream.

The difference is the protein. Milk protein is both a very good foaming agent and a very good emulsifying agent. [Emulsifying and foaming agents are molecules that stabilize foams and emulsions. The molecules attach to the surface of the liquid droplets or air bubbles and stop them from coalescing with each other.] Plant proteins aren’t very good at either. If you look at cashew, almond or soy-based products, you’ll find additional ingredients to deliver the functionality that we would otherwise get from the milk protein.

What techniques do you use to study ice cream? And how do you stop the ice cream from melting during an experiment?

The workhorses of instrumentation for research are particle size analysis, electron microscopy and rheology (see “Experimental techniques”).

So first there’s laser light scattering which tells us everything we need to know about the fat globules and fat structure (see “Experimental techniques”). Then we use a lot of optical microscopy. You either need to put the microscope in a freezer or cold box or have a cold stage where you have the ice cream on a slide inside a chamber that’s cooled with liquid nitrogen. On the electron microscopy side (see “Experimental techniques”), we’ve done a lot of cryo-scanning electron microscopy (SEM), with a low-temperature unit.

We’ve also done a lot of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), which generally uses a different approach. Instead of performing the experiment in cold conditions, we use a chemical that “fixes” the structure in place and then we dry it, typically using a technique called “critical point drying” (see “Experimental techniques”). It’s then sliced into thin samples and studied with the TEM.

Experimental techniques

Douglas Goff in the ice cream lab
Edible science Douglas Goff (right) in the ice cream laboratory at the University of Guelph. (Courtesy: Douglas Goff)

Rheology: Rheology is the study of the flow and deformation of materials. A rheometer is an apparatus used to measure the response of different materials to applied forces.

Dynamic light scattering (DLS): A laser-based technique used to measure the size distribution of dispersed particles. Dispersed particles such as fat globules in ice cream exhibit Brownian motion, with small particles moving faster than larger particles. The interference of laser light scattered from the particles is used to calculate the characteristic timescale of the Brownian motion and the particle size distribution.      

Electron microscopy: Imaging techniques that use a beam of electrons, rather than photons, to image a sample. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are two common examples. SEM uses reflected electrons to study the sample surface, whereas TEM uses electrons travelling through a sample to understand its internal structure.

Critical point drying: When a sample is dried in preparation for microscopy experiments, the effects of surface tension between the water in the sample and the surrounding air can cause damage. At the critical point, the liquid and gas phases are indistinguishable, if the water in the sample is at its critical point during dehydration, there is no boundary between the water and vapour, and this protects the structure of the sample.

After decades of studying ice cream, do you still get excited about it?

Oh, absolutely. I’ve been fortunate enough to have travelled to many, many interesting countries and I always see what the ice cream market looks like when I’m there. It’s not just a professional thing. I also like to know what’s going on around the world so I can share that with people. But of course, how can you go wrong with ice cream? It’s such a fun product to be associated with.

The post A physicist’s guide to ice cream: the complex science behind one of the world’s most popular desserts appeared first on Physics World.

Defying gravity: insights into hula hoop levitation

Par : Tami Freeman

Popularized in the late 1950s as a child’s toy, the hula hoop is undergoing renewed interest as a fitness activity and performance art. But have you ever wondered how a hula hoop stays aloft against the pull of gravity?

Wonder no more. A team of researchers at New York University have investigated the forces involved as a hoop rotates around a gyrating body, aiming to explain the physics and mathematics of hula hooping.

To determine the conditions required for successful hula hoop levitation, Leif Ristroph and colleagues conducted robotic experiments with hoops twirling around various shapes – including cones, cylinders and hourglass shapes. The 3D-printed shapes had rubberized surfaces to achieve high friction with a thin, rigid plastic hoop, and were driven to gyrate by a motor. The researchers launched the hoops onto the gyrating bodies by hand and recorded the resulting motion using high-speed videography and motion tracking algorithms.

They found that successful hula hooping is dependent on meeting two conditions. Firstly, the hoop orbit must be synchronized with the body gyration. This requires the hoop to be launched at sufficient speed and in the same direction as the gyration, following which, the outward pull by centrifugal action and damping due to rolling frication result in stable twirling.

Body shape impacts hula hooping ability
Shape matters Successful hula hooping requires a body type with the right slope and curvature. (Courtesy: NYU’s Applied Math Lab)

This process, however, does not necessarily keep the hoop elevated at a stable height – any perturbations could cause it to climb or fall away. The team found that maintaining hoop levitation requires the gyrating body to have a particular “body type”, including an appropriately angled or sloped surface – the “hips” – plus an hourglass-shaped profile with a sufficiently curved “waist”.

Indeed, in the robotic experiments, an hourglass-shaped body enabled steady-state hula hooping, while the cylinders and cones failed to successfully hula hoop.

The researchers also derived dynamical models that relate the motion and shape of the hoop and body to the contact forces generated. They note that their findings can be generalized to a wide range of different shapes and types of motion, and could be used in “robotic applications for transforming motions, extracting energy from vibrations, and controlling and manipulating objects without gripping”.

“We were surprised that an activity as popular, fun and healthy as hula hooping wasn’t understood even at a basic physics level,” says Ristroph in a press statement. “As we made progress on the research, we realized that the maths and physics involved are very subtle, and the knowledge gained could be useful in inspiring engineering innovations, harvesting energy from vibrations, and improving in robotic positioners and movers used in industrial processing and manufacturing.”

The researchers present their findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The post Defying gravity: insights into hula hoop levitation appeared first on Physics World.

The 10 quirkiest stories from the world of physics in 2024

From squirting cucumbers to cosmic stamps, physics has had its fair share of quirky stories this year. Here is our pick of the best 10, not in any particular order.

Escape from quantum physics

Staff at the clunkily titled Dresden-Würzburg Cluster of Excellence for Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (ct.qmat) had already created a mobile phone app “escape room” to teach children about quantum mechanics. But this year the app became reality at Dresden’s science museum. Billed as “Germany’s first quantum physics escape room”, the Kitty Q Escape Room has four separate rooms and 17 puzzles that offer visitors a multisensory experience that explores the quirky world of quantum mechanics. The goal for participants is to discover if Kitty Q – an imaginary being that embodies the spirit of Schrödinger’s cat – is dead or alive. Billed as being “perfect for family outings, children’s birthday parties and school field trips”, the escape room “embraces modern gamification techniques”, according to ct.qmat physicist Matthias Vojuta, “We ensure that learning happens in an engaging and subtle way,” he says. “The best part [is] you don’t need to be a maths or physics expert to enjoy the game.

Corking research

Coffee might be the drink of choice for physicists, but when it comes to studying the fascinating physics of liquids, champagne is hard to beat. That’s mostly because of the huge pressures inside the bottle and the explosion of bubbles that are released once the cork is removed. Experiments have already examined the expanding gas jet that propels the cork stopper out of a just-opened bottle caused by the radiation of shock waves up the neck. Now physicists in Austria have looked at the theory of how these supersonic waves move. The “Mach disc” that forms just outside the bottle opening is, they found, convex and travels away from the bottle opening before moving back towards it. A second Mach disc then forms when the first disc moves back although it’s not clear if this splits from the first or is a distinct disc. Measuring the distance of the Mach disc from the bottle also provides a way to determine the gas pressure or temperature in the champagne bottle.

Cosmic stamps

We love a good physics or astronomy stamp here at Physics World and this year’s offering from the US Postal Service didn’t disappoint. In January, they released two stamps to mark the success of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which took off in 2021. The first features an image taken by the JWST’s Near-Infrared Camera of the “Cosmic Cliffs” in the Carina Nebula, located about 7600 light-years from Earth. The other stamp has an image of the iconic Pillars of Creation within the vast Eagle Nebula, which lies 6500 light-years away that was captured by the JWST’s Mid-Infrared Instrument. “With these stamps, people across the country can have their own snapshot of Webb’s captivating images at their fingertips,” noted NASA’s head of science, the British-born physicist Nicola Fox.

Record-breaking cicadas

This year marked the first time in more than 200 years that two broods belonging to two species of cicadas emerged at the same time. And the cacophony that the insects are famous for wasn’t the only aspect to watch out for. Researchers at Georgia Tech in the US examined another strange aspect of these creatures – how they wee. We know that most insects urinate via droplets as this is more energy efficient than emitting a stream of liquid. But cicadas are such voracious eaters of tree sap that individually flicking each drop away would be too taxing. To get around this problem, cicadas (just as we do) eject the pee via a jet, which the Georgia Tech scientists looked at for the first time. “Previously, it was understood that if a small animal wants to eject jets of water, then this [is] challenging, because the animal expends more energy to force the fluid’s exit at a higher speed,” says Elio Challita, who is based at Harvard University. “This is due to surface tension and viscous forces. But a larger animal can rely on gravity and inertial forces to pee.” According to the team, cicadas are the smallest animal to create such high-speed jets – a finding that could, say the researchers, lead to the design of better nozzles and robots. 

Researchers testing beer
Ale in a day’s work Researchers conduct a beer-tasting session at the University of Leuven in Belgium. (Courtesy: Justin Jin)

Raising the bar

Machine learning was a big topic this year thanks to the 2024 Nobel prizes for both physics and chemistry. Not to be outdone, scientists from Belgium announced they had used machine-learning algorithms to predict the taste and quality of beer and what compounds brewers could use to improve the flavour of certain tipples. Kevin Verstrepen from KU Leuven and colleagues spent five years characterizing over 200 chemical properties from 250 Belgian commercial beers across 22 different styles, such as Blond and Tripel beers. They also gathered tasting notes from a panel of 15 people and from the RateBeer online beer review database. A machine-learning model that was trained on the data could predict the flavour and score of the beers using just the beverages’ chemical profile. By adding certain aromas predicted by the model, the team was even able to boost the quality – as determined by blind tasting – of existing commercial Belgian ale. The scientists hope the findings could be used to improve alcohol-free beer. Yet KU Leuven researcher Michiel Scheurs admits that they did celebrate the work “with the alcohol-containing variants”.

Beetling away

Whirligig beetles can reach speeds of up to 1m/s – or 100 body lengths per second – as they skirt across the water. Scientists thought the animals did this using their oar-like hind legs to generate “drag-based” thrust, a bit like how a rodent swims. To do so, however, the beetle would need to move its legs faster than its swimming speed, which in turn would require pushing against the water at unrealistic speeds. To solve this bugging problem, researchers at Cornell University used high-speed cameras to film the whirligigs as they swam. They found that the beetles instead use lift-based thrust, which has been documented in whales, dolphins and sea lions. The thrusting motion is perpendicular to the water surface and the researchers calculate that the forces generated by the beetle in this way can explain their speedy movements in the water. According to Cornell’s Yukun Sun, that makes whirligig beetles “by far the smallest organism to use lift-based thrust for swimming”.

Pistachios in a bowl
Tough nut to crack: Pistachios come in different shapes and sizes with the shells being non-symmetric. (Courtesy: Shutterstock/everydayplus)

Pistachio packing problem

It sounds like a question you might get in an exam: if you have a full bowl of N pistachios, what size container do you need for the leftover 2N non-edible shells? Given that pistachios come in different shapes and sizes and the shells are non-symmetric, the problem’s a tougher nut to crack than you might think. Thankfully, the secret of pistachio-packing was  revealed in a series of experiments by physicists Ruben Zakine and Michael Benzaquen from École Polytechnique in Palaiseau, France. After placing 613 pistachios in a two-litre cylinder, they found that the container holding the shells needs to be just over half the size of the original pistachio bowl for well-packed nuts and three-quarters for loosely packed pistachios. Zakine and Benzaquen say that numerical simulations could be carried out to compare with the experimental findings and that the work extends beyond just nuts. “Our analysis can be relevant in other situations, for instance to determine the optimal container needed [for] mussel or oyster shells after a Pantagruelian seafood diner,” they claim

The physics of paper cuts

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a paper cut, you’ll know how painful it can be. To find out why paper is able to slice through skin so well, Kaare Jensen – a physicist from the Technical University of Denmark – and colleagues carried out a series of experiments using paper with a range of thicknesses to make incisions into a piece of gelatine at various angles. When combined with modelling, they discovered that paper cuts are a competition between slicing and “buckling”. Thin paper with a thickness of about 30microns doesn’t cut skin so well because it buckles – a mechanical instability that happens when a slender object like paper is compressed. But thick paper (above about 200microns) is poor at making an incision because it distributes the load over a greater area, resulting in only small indentations. The team discovered, however, that there is a paper cut “sweet spot” at around 65microns, which just happens to be close to the paper thickness used in print magazines. The researchers have now put their findings to use, creating a 3D-printed scalpel that uses scrap paper for the cutting edge. Dubbed a “papermachete”, it can slice through apple, banana peel, cucumber and even chicken. “Studying the physics of paper cuts has revealed a surprising potential use for paper in the digital age: not as a means of information dissemination and storage, but rather as a tool of destruction,” the researchers write.

squirting cucumber
Quick fire round: just before launch the fruit of the squirting cucumber rotates from bring vertical to close to an angle of 45 degrees, improving the launch angle for the seeds (courtesy: Derek Moulton).

Squirting cucumbers

The plant kingdom is full of intriguing ways to distribute seeds such as the dandelion pappus effortlessly, drifting on air currents. Not to be outdone, the squirting cucumber (Ecballium elaterium), which is native to the Mediterranean and is often regarded as a weed, has its own unique way of ejecting seeds. When ripe, the ovoid-shaped fruits detach from the stem and as it does so explosively ejects seeds in a high-pressure jet of mucilage. The process, which lasts just 30 ms, launches the seeds at more than 20 m/s with some landing 10 m away. Researchers in the UK revealed the mechanism behind the squirt for the first time by using high-speed imaging and mathematical modelling. The researchers found that in the weeks leading up to the ejection, fluid builds up inside the fruits so they become pressurized. Then just before seed dispersal, some of this fluid moves from the fruit to the stem, making it longer and stiffer. This process crucially causes the fruit to rotate from being vertical to close to an angle of 45°, improving the launch angle for the seeds. During the first milliseconds of ejection, the tip of the stem holding the fruit then recoils away causing the pod to counter-rotate and detach. As it does so, the pressure inside the fruit causes the seeds to eject at high speed. By changing parameters in the model, such as the stiffness of the stem, reveals that the mechanism has been fine-tuned to ensure optimal seed dispersal.

Chimp Shakespeare

And finally, according to the infinite monkeys theorem, a monkey randomly pressing keys on a typewriter for an infinite amount of time would eventually type out the complete works of William Shakespeare purely by chance. Yet analysis by two mathematicians in Australia found that even a troop might not have time to do so within the supposed timeframe of the universe. The researchers came to their conclusion after creating a computational model that assumed a constant chimpanzee population of 200 000, each typing at one key per second until the end of the universe in about 10100 years. If that is true, there’d be only a 5% chance a single monkey would type “bananas” within its own lifetime of just over 30 years. But even all the chimps feverishly typing away couldn’t produce Shakespeare’s entire works (coming in at over 850 000 words) before the universe ends. “It is not plausible that, even with improved typing speeds or an increase in chimpanzee populations, monkey labour will ever be a viable tool for developing non-trivial written works,”  the authors conclude, adding that while the infinite monkeys theorem is true, it is also “somewhat misleading”, or in reality it’s “not to be”.

You can be sure that next year will throw up its fair share of quirky stories from the world of physics. See you next year!

The post The 10 quirkiest stories from the world of physics in 2024 appeared first on Physics World.

International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025: here’s all you need to know

I’m pleased to welcome you to Physics World’s coverage supporting the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ) in 2025. The IYQ is a worldwide celebration, endorsed by the United Nations (UN), to increase the public’s awareness of quantum science and its applications. The year 2025 was chosen as it marks the centenary of the initial development of quantum mechanics by Werner Heisenberg.

With six “founding partners”, including the Institute of Physics (IOP), which publishes Physics World, the IYQ has ambitious aims. It wants to show how quantum science can do everything from grow the economy, support industry and improve our health to help the climate, deliver clean energy and reduce inequalities in education and research. You can join in by creating an event or donating money to the IYQ Global Fund.

Quantum science is burgeoning, with huge advances in basic research and applications such as quantum computing, communication, cryptography and sensors. Countless tech firms are getting in on the act, including giants like Google, IBM and Microsoft as well as start-ups such as Oxford Quantum Circuits, PsiQuantum, Quantinuum, QuEra and Riverlane. Businesses in related areas – from banking to aerospace – are eyeing up the possibilities of quantum tech too.

Helgoland at dawn
Where it all began It was on the island of Helgoland off the coast of Germany in June 1925 that Werner Heisenberg created matrix mechanics, commemorated by the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. (Courtesy: iStock/Iurii Buriak)

An official IYQ opening ceremony will be taking place at UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 4–5 February 2025. Perhaps the highlight of the year for physicists is a workshop from 9–14 June in Helgoland – the tiny island off the coast of Germany where Heisenberg made his breakthrough exactly 100 years ago. Many of the leading lights from quantum physics will be there, including five Nobel-prize winners.

Kicking off our coverage of IYQ, historian Robert P Crease from Stony Brook University has talked to some of the delegates at Helgoland to find out what they hope to achieve at the event. Crease also examines whether Heisenberg’s revelations were as clear-cut as he later claimed. Did he really devise the principles of quantum mechanics at precisely 3 a.m. one June morning 100 years ago?

From a different perspective, Oksana Kondratyeva explains how she has worked with US firm Rigetti Computing to create a piece of stained glass art inspired by the company’s quantum computers – a “quantum rose for the 21st century” as she puts it. You can find out more about her quantum-themed artwork in a special video she’s made.

Oksana Kondratyeva etching in a protective suit with a respiratory mask
Stimulated by science Oksana Kondratyeva has created a unique piece of stained-glass art inspired by a Rigetti quantum computer. She is shown here working in a specially equipped studio using highly corrosive hydrofluoric acid to etch the glass. (Courtesy: Oksana Kondratyeva)

Other quantum coverage in 2025 will include special episodes of the Physics World podcasts and Physics World Live. The next edition of Physics World Careers, due out in the new year, has a quantum theme, and there’ll also be a bumper, quantum-themed issue of the Physics World Briefing in May. The Physics World quantum channel will be regularly updated throughout the year so you don’t miss a thing.

The IOP has numerous quantum-themed public events lined up – including the QuAMP conference in September – building to a week of celebrations in November and December. A series of community events – spearheaded by the IOP’s quantum Business Innovation and Growth (qBIG) and history of physics groups – will include a public celebration at the Royal Institution, featuring physicist and broadcaster Jim Al-Khalili.

Oxford Ionics chip
Beyond the lab UK firm Oxford Ionics, which is developing quantum computers based on trapped ion qubits, is one of numerous businesses bringing quantum science into real-world applications. (Courtesy: Oxford Ionics)

IOP Publishing, meanwhile, will be bringing out a series of Perspectives articles – personal viewpoints from leading quantum scientists – in Quantum Science and Technology. The journal will also be publishing roadmaps in quantum computing, sensing, communication and simulation, as well as focus issues on topics such as quantum machine learning and technologies for quantum gravity.

There’ll be many other events and initiatives by other organizations too, including from the other founding partners, the American Physical Society, the German Physical Society, Optica, SPIE and the Chinese Optical Society. What’s more, the IYQ is a truly global initiative, with almost 60 nations, led by Ghana and Mexico, helping to get the year off the ground, spreading the benefits of quantum science across the planet, including to the Global South.

The beauty of quantum science lies not only in its mystery but also in the ground-breaking, practical applications that it is inspiring. The IYQ deserves to be a huge success – in fact, I am sure it will.

This article forms part of Physics World‘s contribution to the 2025 International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ), which aims to raise global awareness of quantum physics and its applications.

Stayed tuned to Physics World and our international partners throughout the next 12 months for more coverage of the IYQ.

Find out more on our quantum channel.

The post International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025: here’s all you need to know appeared first on Physics World.

Sceptical space settlers, Einstein in England, trials of the JWST, tackling quantum fundamentals: micro reviews of the best recent books

Par : No Author

A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through?
By Kelly and Zach Weinersmith

Husband-and-wife writing team Kelly and Zach Weinersmith were excited about human settlements in space when they started research for their new book A City on Mars. But the more they learned, the more sceptical they became. From technology, practicalities and ethics, to politics and the legal framework, they uncovered profound problems at every step. With humorous panache and plenty of small cartoons by Zach, who also does the webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, the book is a highly entertaining guide that will dent the enthusiasm of most proponents of settling space. Kate Gardner

  • 2024 Particular Books

Einstein in Oxford
By Andrew Robinson

“England has always produced the best physicists,” Albert Einstein once said in Berlin in 1925. His high regard for British physics led him to pay three visits to the University of Oxford in the early 1930s, which are described by Andrew Robinson in his charming short book Einstein in Oxford. Sadly, the visits were not hugely productive for Einstein, who disliked the formality of Oxford life. His time there is best remembered for the famous blackboard – saved for posterity – on which he’d written while giving a public lecture. Matin Durrani

  • 2024 Bodleian Library Publishing

Pillars of Creation: How the James Webb Telescope Unlocked the Secrets of the Cosmos
By Richard Panek

The history of science is “a combination of two tales” says Richard Panek in his new book charting the story of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). “One is a tale of curiosity. The other is a tale of tools.” He has chosen an excellent case study for this statement. Pillars of Creation combines the story of the technological and political hurdles that nearly sank the JWST before it launched with a detailed account of its key scientific contributions. Panek’s style is also multi-faceted, mixing technical explanations with the personal stories of scientists fighting to push the frontiers of astronomy.  Katherine Skipper

  • 2024 Little, Brown

Quanta and Fields: the Biggest Ideas in the Universe
By Sean Carroll

With 2025 being the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, the second book in prolific science writer Sean Carroll’s “Biggest Ideas” trilogyQuanta and Fields – might make for a prudent read. Following the first volume on “space, time and motion”, it tackles the key scientific principles that govern quantum mechanics, from wave functions to effective wave theory. But beware: this book is packed with equations, formulae and technical concepts. It’s essentially a popular-science textbook, in which Carroll does things like examine each term in the Schrödinger equation and delve into the framework for group theory. Great for physicists but not, perhaps, for the more casual reader. Tushna Commissariat

  • 2024 Penguin Random House

The post Sceptical space settlers, Einstein in England, trials of the JWST, tackling quantum fundamentals: micro reviews of the best recent books appeared first on Physics World.
