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Picking winners: the 10 most popular physics stories of 2024

30 décembre 2024 à 13:00

What makes a physics story popular? The answer is partly hidden in the depths of Internet search algorithms, but it’s possible to discern a few trends in this list of the 10 most read stories published on the Physics World website in 2024. Well, one trend, at least: it seems that many of you really, really like stories about quantum physics. Happily, we’ll be publishing lots more of them in 2025, the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. But in the meantime, here are 2024’s most popular stories – quantum and otherwise.

10. A quantum thought experiment that continues to confound

As main characters in quantum thought experiments go, Wigner’s friend isn’t nearly as well-known as Schrödinger’s cat. While the alive-or-dead feline was popularized in the mid-20th century by the science fiction and fantasy writer Ursula K LeGuin, Wigner and his best mate remain relatively obscure, and unlikely to appear in an image created with entangled light (more on this later). Still, there’s plenty to ponder in this lesser-known thought experiment, which provocatively suggests that in the quantum world, what’s true may depend, quite literally, on where you stand: with Wigner’s friend inside a lab performing the quantum experiment, or with Wigner outside it awaiting the results.

9. A record-breaking superconductor that wasn’t

Popularity isn’t everything. This story focused on a paper about a high-temperature superconducting wire that appeared to have a current density 10 times higher than any previously reported. Unfortunately, the paper’s authors made an error when converting the magnetic units they used to calculate current density. This error – which the authors acknowledged, leading to the paper’s retraction – meant that the current density was too high by… well, by a factor of 10, actually.

Surprisingly, this wasn’t the most blatant factor-of-10 flop to enter the scientific literature this year. That dubious honour belongs to a team of environmental chemists who multiplied 60 kg x 7000 nanograms/kg to calculate the maximum daily dose of potentially harmful chemicals, and got an answer of…42 000 nanograms. Oops.

8. Exploiting quantum entanglement to create hidden images

Encoding images in photon correlations
Encoding images in photon correlations A conventional intensity image (left) reveals no information about the object, while a correlation image acquired using an electron-multiplied CCD camera (right) reveals the hidden object. (Courtesy: Reprinted with permission from C Vernière and H Defienne Phys. Rev. Lett. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.093601 ©2024 American Physical Society)

Remember the entangled-light Schrödinger’s cat image? Well, here it is again, this time in its original context. In an experiment that made it onto our list of the top 10 breakthroughs of 2024, researchers in France used quantum correlations to encode an image into light such that the image only becomes visible when particles of light (photons) are observed by a single-photon sensitive camera. Otherwise, the image is hidden from view. It’s a neat result, and we’re glad you agree it’s worth reading about.

7. An icy exoplanet with an atmosphere

At this time of year, some of us in the Northern Hemisphere feel like we’re inhabiting an icy exoplanet already, and some of you experiencing Southern Hemisphere heat waves probably wish you were. Sadly, none of us is ever going to live on (or even visit) the temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b, which is located 49 light-years away from Earth and has a mass 5.6 times larger. Still, astronomers think this watery, icy world could be only the third planet (after Earth and Mars) in its star’s habitable zone known to have an atmosphere, and that was enough to pique readers’ interest.

6. Vortex cannon generates toroidal electromagnetic pulses

electromagnetic cannons emit electromagnetic vortex pulses thanks to coaxial horn antennas
Toroidal pulses Air cannons produce visible vortex rings by generating rotating air pressure differences, while electromagnetic cannons emit electromagnetic vortex pulses using coaxial horn antennas. (Courtesy: Ren Wang; Pan-Yi Bao; Zhi-Qiang Hu; Shuai Shi; Bing-Zhong Wang; Nikolay I Zheludev; Yijie Shen)

An electromagnetic vortex cannon might sound like an accessory from Star Trek. In fact, it’s a real object made from a device called a horn microwave antenna. It gets its name because it generates an electromagnetic field in free space that rotates around the propagation direction of the wave structure, similar to how an air cannon blows out smoke rings. According to its inventors, the electromagnetic vortex cannon could be used to develop communication, sensing, detection and metrology systems that overcome the limitations of existing wireless applications.

5. Why our world (still) cannot be anything but quantum

Returning to the quantum theme, the fifth-most-read story of 2024 concerned an experiment that demonstrated a new violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality (LGI). While the better-known Bell’s inequality describes how the behaviour of one object relates to that of another object with which it is entangled, the conceptually similar LGI describes how the state of a single object varies at different points in time. If either inequality is violated, the world is quantum. Previous experiments had already observed LGI violations in several quantum systems, but this one showed, for the first time, that neutrons in a beam must be in a coherent superposition of states – a fundamental property of quantum mechanics.

4. ‘Hidden’ citations conceal the true impact of scientific research

small segment of a scientific paper
True impact: a new study finds that “foundational” ideas in science are often not properly cited, which can skew rankings. (Courtesy: iStock/ilbusca)

When a scientific paper introduces a concept that goes on to become common knowledge, you might expect later researchers to cite the living daylights out of it – and you would be wrong. According to the study described in this article, the ideas in many such papers become so well known that the opposite happens: no-one bothers to cite them anymore.

This means that purely citation-based metrics of research “impact” tend to underestimate the importance of seminal works such as Alan Guth’s 1981 paper that introduced the theory of cosmic inflation. So if your amazing paper isn’t getting the citation love it deserves, take heart: maybe it’s too foundational for its own good.

3. Unifying gravity and quantum mechanics without the need for quantum gravity

Physicists have been trying to produce a theory that incorporates both gravity and quantum mechanics for almost a century now. One of the sticking points is that we don’t really know what a quantum theory of gravity might look like. Presumably, it would have to combine the world of gravity (where space and time warp in the presence of massive objects) with the world of quantum mechanics (which assumes that space and time are fixed) – but how?

For the University College London theorist Jonathan Oppenheim, this is the wrong question. As this article explains, Oppenheim has developed a new theoretical framework that aims to unify quantum mechanics and classical gravity – but, crucially, without the need to define a theory of quantum gravity first.

2. Open problem in quantum entanglement theory solved after nearly 25 years

Can a quantum system remain maximally entangled in a noisy environment? According to Julio I de Vicente from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, the answer is “no”. While the question and its answer might seem rather esoteric, this article explains that the implications extend beyond theoretical physics, with so-called “maximally entangled mixed states” having the potential to revolutionize our approach to other problems in quantum mechanics.

1. The ‘magic’ of quantum computation

The science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke famously said that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Sadly for Clarke fans, the magic in this article doesn’t involve physicists chanting incantations or waving wands over their experiments. Instead, it refers to quantum states that are especially hard to simulate on classical machines. These so-called “magic” states are a resource for quantum computers, and the amount of them available is a measure of a system’s quantum computational power. Indeed, certain error-correcting codes can improve the quality of magic states in a system, which makes a pleasing connection between this, the most-read article of 2024 on the Physics World website, and our pick for 2024’s “Breakthrough of the year.” See you in 2025!

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Quantum science and technology: highlights of 2024

28 décembre 2024 à 11:00

With so much fascinating research going on in quantum science and technology, it’s hard to pick just a handful of highlights. Fun, but hard.  Research on entanglement-based imaging and quantum error correction both appear in Physics World’s list of 2024’s top 10 breakthroughs, but beyond that, here are a few other achievements worth remembering as we head into 2025 – the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.

Quantum sensing

In July, physicists at Germany’s Forschungszentrum Jülich and Korea’s IBS Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS) reported that they had fabricated a quantum sensor that can detect the electric and magnetic fields of individual atoms. The sensor consists of a molecule containing an unpaired electron (a molecular spin) that the physicists attached to the tip of a scanning-tunnelling microscope. They then used it to measure the magnetic and electric dipole fields emanating from a single iron atom and a silver dimer on a gold substrate.

Not to be outdone, an international team led by researchers at the University of Melbourne, Australia, announced in August that they had created a quantum sensor that detects magnetic fields in any direction. The new omnidirectional sensor is based on a recently-discovered carbon-based defect in a two-dimensional material, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). This same material also contains a boron vacancy defect that enables the sensor to detect temperature changes, too.

Quantum communications

One of the challenges with transmitting quantum information is that pretty much any medium you send it through – including high-spec fibre optic cables and even the Earth’s atmosphere  – is at least somewhat good at absorbing photons and preventing them from reaching their intended destination.

Photo of Liang Jiang in an office pointing at a computer screen displaying a map of the proposed quantum network
Networking: Liang Jiang reviews the proposed quantum network using vacuum beam guides, which would have ranges of thousands of kilometers and capacities of 10 trillion qubits per second. (Courtesy: UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering/John Zich)

In July, a team at the University of Chicago, the California Institute of Technology and Stanford University proposed a novel solution. A continent-scale network of vacuum-sealed tubes, they suggested, could transmit quantum information at rates as high as 1013 qubits per second. This would exceed currently-available quantum channels based on satellites or optical fibres by at least four orders of magnitude. Whether anyone will actually build such a network is, of course, yet to be determined – but you have to admire the ambition behind it.

Quantum fundamentals

Speaking of ambition, this year saw a remarkable flurry of ideas for using quantum devices and quantum principles to study gravity. One innovative proposal involves looking for the gravitational equivalent of the photoelectric effect in a system of resonant bars that have been cooled and tuned to vibrate when they absorb a graviton from an incoming gravitational wave. The idea is that absorbing a graviton would change the quantum state of the column, and this change of state would, in principle, be detectable.

Conceptual image showing a massive column called a gravity bar floating through space against a background of yellow stardust
Detecting gravity: Researchers have proposed an experiment that could detect the elusive graviton – a quantum of gravity – using quantum sensing. (Courtesy: Pikovski research group)

Another quantum gravity proposal takes its inspiration from an even older experiment: the Cavendish torsion balance. The quantum version of this 18th-century classic would involve studying the correlations between two torsion pendula placed close together as they rotate back and forth like massive harmonic oscillators. If correlations appear that can’t be accounted for within a classical theory of gravity, this could imply that gravity is not, in fact, classical.

Perhaps the most exciting development in this space, though, is a new experimental technique for measuring the pull of gravity on a micron-scale particle. Objects of this size are just above the limit where quantum effects start to become apparent, and the Leiden and Southampton University researchers who performed the experiment have ideas for how to push their system further towards this exciting regime. Definitely one to keep an eye on.

The best of the rest

It wouldn’t be quantum if it wasn’t at least little bit weird, so here’s a few head-scratchers for you to puzzle over.

This year, researchers in China substantially reduced the number of qubits required to verify an online shopping transaction. Physicists in Austria asked whether a classical computer can tell when a quantum computer is telling the truth. And in a development that’s sure to warm the hearts of quantum experimentalists the world over, physicists at the SLAC National Laboratory in the US suggested that if your qubits are going haywire and you don’t know why, maybe, just maybe, it’s because they’re being constantly bombarded with dark matter.

Using noisy qubits to detect dark matter? Now that really would be a breakthrough.

The post Quantum science and technology: highlights of 2024 appeared first on Physics World.

Space agency leaders express fears and hopes for the future

16 décembre 2024 à 17:00

“The world is more volatile, the world is more unpredictable, and in many respects the world is a more dangerous place than it has been for a long time.”

In his opening speech at the 20th Appleton Space Conference on 5 December, UK Space Agency (UKSA) deputy chief executive Chris White-Horne seemed determined to out-gloom the leaden skies above the ESA conference centre in Harwell, Oxfordshire. Speaking to an audience of academics and industry professionals, White-Horne ticked off a long list of ways that this more dangerous world might affect the space sector and the people who rely on it.

“We have built an almost insidious dependence on space,” he observed. Severe space weather, accidents, system failures or deliberate damage by an adversary could all trigger a loss of satellite-based position, navigation and timing services. Even a single day without modern essentials like GPS would wreak havoc on the economy, while a longer outage would be devastating. “A day without space is just the beginning,” he warned, adding that the real challenge would start on the second or third day, when supply chains would be disrupted worldwide. “We saw in COVID how very fragile some of these systems are.”

While some might prefer to leave contingency planning to military officials, White-Horne argued that the vulnerability of space infrastructure makes it a challenge for the entire sector – government, academia, and manufacturers and operators of space systems and applications alike. “Very few people can say, ‘It’s not my problem’,” he said.

A changing sector

In his keynote speech later in the day, White-Horne’s boss, UKSA chief executive Paul Bate, struck a more hopeful note by focusing on changes in the space sector since 2004, when the first Appleton Space Conference was held. In that year, the world managed just 54 orbital launches, including 18 by Russia and 16 by the US. By 2024, the number had risen to 225 – and counting. This figure includes 118 launches by a private company, SpaceX, which did not achieve its first orbit until 2008. “How we get into space has changed dramatically,” Bate said.

Photo of Paul Bate standing at a lectern in front of a large image of people holding raised hands against a sunlit backdrop. Audience members are visible in front of him, and Sarah Beardsley is standing off to one side
Space as a team sport: UK Space Agency chief executive Paul Bate giving the keynote lecture at the 20th Appleton Space Conference as audience members and STFC RAL Space director Sarah Beardsley (right) look on. (Courtesy: STFC RAL Space)

Another positive change Bate highlighted is the industry’s demographics. At the start of the conference, Sarah Beardsley, who leads the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory’s space division (STFC RAL Space), displayed a photo of the organizers of the first Appleton Space Conference. The photo showed a smiling group of around a dozen men in dark suits and ties. “We let women in now,” she quipped, to general laughter.

The UKSA’s own demographics bear this out. According to Bate, 46% of the agency’s staff are women, while a fifth come from ethnic minorities. Still, Bate, who is white, acknowledged that the agency needs to do more to attract diverse talent to higher-level roles: “I spend time in far too many meetings with people who look just like me.”

Taken as a whole, Bate said that the UK space sector remains 86% white and 64% male, while the percentage of space-sector workers who were eligible for free school meals as children is half the national average. While some may see this as irrelevant, Bate argued that the opposite is true. Space, he said, is “a team sport” that needs to draw talent from everywhere, and its leaders must embrace diversity of thought and experience if they want to solve big, difficult problems. “It’s very tempting to see science as aloof from societal change,” he said. “The opposite is true.”

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Venkat Srinivasan: ‘Batteries are largely bipartisan’

14 novembre 2024 à 04:05

Which battery technologies are you focusing on at Argonne?

We work on everything. We work on lead-acid batteries, a technology that’s 100 years old, because the research community is saying, “If only we could solve this problem with cycle life in lead-acid batteries, we could use them for energy storage to add resilience to the electrical grid.” That’s an attractive prospect because lead-acid batteries are extremely cheap, and you can recycle them easily.

We work a lot on lithium-ion batteries, which is what you find in your electric car and your cell phone. The big challenge there is that lithium-ion batteries use nickel and cobalt, and while you can get nickel from a few places, most of the cobalt comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where there are safety and environmental concerns about exactly how that cobalt is being mined, and who is doing the mining. Then there’s lithium itself. The supply chain for lithium is concentrated in China, and we saw during COVID the problems that can cause. You have one disruption somewhere and the whole supply chain collapses.

We’re also looking at technologies beyond lithium-ion batteries. If you want to start using batteries for aviation, you need batteries with a long range, and for that you have to increase energy density. So we work on things like solid-state batteries.

Finally, we are working on what I would consider really “out there” technologies, where it might be 20 years before we see them used. Examples might be lithium-oxygen or lithium-sulphur batteries, but there’s also a move to go beyond lithium because of the supply chain issues I mentioned. One alternative might be to switch to sodium-based batteries. There’s a big supply of soda ash in the US, which is the raw material for sodium, and sodium batteries would allow us to eliminate cobalt while using very little nickel. If we can do that, the US can be completely reliant on its own domestic minerals and materials for batteries.

What are the challenges associated with these different technologies?

Frankly, every chemistry has its challenges, but I can give you an example.

If you look at the periodic table, the most electronegative element is lithium, while the most electropositive is fluorine. So you might think the ultimate battery would be lithium-fluorine. But in practice, nobody should be using fluorine – it’s super dangerous. The next best option is lithium-oxygen, which is nice because you can get oxygen from the air, although you have to purify it first. The energy density of a lithium-oxygen battery is comparable to that of gasoline, and that is why people have been trying to make solid-state lithium-metal batteries since before I was born.

Photo of Arturo Gutierrez and Venkat Srinivasan. Gutierrez is wearing safety glasses and a white lab coat and has his arms inside a glovebox while Srinivasan looks on
Building batteries: Venkat Srinivasan (right) discusses battery research with materials scientist Arturo Gutierrez in one of the energy storage discovery labs at Argonne National Laboratory. (Courtesy: Argonne National Laboratory)

The problem is that when you charge a battery with a lithium metal anode, the electrolyte deposits on the lithium metal, and unfortunately it doesn’t create a thin, planar layer. Instead, it forms these needle-like structures called dendrites that short to the battery’s separator. Battery shorting is never a good thing.

Now, if you put a mechanically hard material next to the lithium metal, you can stop the dendrites from growing through. It’s like putting in a concrete wall next to the roots of a tree to stop the roots growing into the other side. But if you have a crack in your concrete wall, the roots will find a way – they will actually crack the concrete – and exactly the same thing happens with dendrites.

So the question becomes, “Can we make a defect-free electrolyte that will stop the dendrites?” Companies have taken a shot at this, and on the small scale, things look great: if you’re making one or two devices, you can have incredible control. But in a large-format manufacturing setup where you’re trying to make hundreds of devices per second, even a single defect can come back to bite you. Going from the lab scale to the manufacturing scale is such a challenge.

What are the major goals in battery research right now?

It depends on the application. For electric cars, we still have to get the cost down, and my sense is that we’ll ultimately need batteries that charge in five minutes because that’s how long it takes to refuel a gasoline-powered car. I worry about safety, too, and of course there’s the supply-chain issue I mentioned.

But if you forget about supply chains for a second, I think if we can get fast charging with incredibly safe batteries while reducing the cost by a factor of two, we are golden. We’ll be able to do all sorts of things.

A researcher holding a plug kneels next to an electric car. The car has a sign on the front door that reads "Argonne research vehicle"
Charging up: Developing better batteries for electric vehicles is a major goal of research in Argonne’s ACCESS collaboration. (Courtesy: Argonne National Laboratory)

For aviation, it’s a different story. We think the targets are anywhere from increasing energy density by a factor of two for the air taxi market, all the way to a factor of six if you want an electric 737 that can fly from Chicago to Washington, DC with 75 passengers. That’s kind of hard. It may be impossible. You can go for a hybrid design, in which case you will not need as much energy density, but you need a lot of power density because even when you’re landing, you still have to defy gravity. That means you need power even when the vehicle is in its lowest state of charge.

The political landscape in the US is shifting as the Biden administration, which has been very focused on clean energy, makes way for a second presidential term for Donald Trump, who is not interested in reducing carbon emissions. How do you see that impacting battery research?

If you look at this question historically, ReCell, which is Argonne’s R&D centre for battery recycling, got established during the first Trump administration. Around the same time, we got the Federal Consortium for Advanced Batteries, which brought together the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, the intelligence community, the State Department and the Department of Commerce. The reason all those groups were interested in batteries is that there’s a growing feeling that we need to have energy independence in the US when it comes to supply chains for batteries. It’s an important technology, there’s lots of innovations, and we need to find a way to move them to market.

So that came about during the Trump administration, and then the Biden administration doubled down on it. What that tells me is that batteries are largely bipartisan, and I think that’s at least partly because you can have different motivations for buying them. Many of my neighbours aren’t particularly thinking about carbon emissions when they buy an electric vehicle (EV). They just want to go from zero to 60 in three seconds. They love the experience. Similarly, people love to be off-grid, because they feel like they’re controlling their own stuff. I suspect that because of this, there will continue to be largely bipartisan support for EVs. I remain hopeful that that’s what will happen.

  • Venkat Srinivasan will appear alongside William Mustain and Martin Freer at a Physics World Live panel discussion on battery technologies on 21 November 2024. Sign up here.

The post Venkat Srinivasan: ‘Batteries are largely bipartisan’ appeared first on Physics World.
