'Diversify your fashion endgame' with this Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 mod that gives Henry fly new gambesons, pourpoints, and caftans
© Deep Silver / Laie on Nexus Mods
© Deep Silver / Laie on Nexus Mods
© Christian Petersen (Getty Images)
© Square Enix
© Capcom
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© Tyler C. / Moon Studios
© Studio ZA/UM
ZA/UM Studio made a name for itself years back with Disco Elysium, but we've heard very little from the studio since. It looks like 2025 is set to be another big year for the company, as their next game has now finally been revealed under the codename ‘Project C4'.
Project C4 is described as a “mind-warping espionage RPG that blends player introspection, deep character-driven dialogue and high-stakes encounters”. Based on that description, it will feature similar gameplay to Disco Elysium, where much of the game centres around character conversations, dialogue options made, dice rolls for skill checks and multiple outcomes to explore.
While the game may also borrow a lot of inspiration from Disco Elysium, it is worth noting that many of the leads on that game no longer work at ZA/UM Studio. Back in 2022, Disco Elysium's game director and art director left the company following a slew of firings and formed a new studio.
There is no word on when Project C4 will release but we expect to learn more about the game later this year.
KitGuru Says: Hopefully whatever behind-the-scenes issues took place following the release of Disco Elysium have been resolved. After all, an Espionage RPG in a similar style to Disco Elysium could end up being a huge hit.
The post Disco Elysium studio reveals new ‘Espionage RPG’ first appeared on KitGuru.© Longdue
© Capcom
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Back in the late 90s, after releasing some amazing games like Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger, Squaresoft was the undisputed king of Japanese role-playing games. The publisher's dominance in the genre, however, did not stop other Japanese publishers known for releasing some absolute bangers in other genres from launching their own takes on the genre, like Konami, which released the first entry in the Suikoden series back in late 1995 in Japan. While the game directed by Yoshitaka Murayama wasn't particularly different from most traditional JRPGs, it set itself apart from the competition by tackling some pretty mature themes […]
Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/suikoden-i-ii-hd-remaster-gate-rune-and-dunan-unification-wars-review-an-enduring-legacy/
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Excellent jeu de rôle sorti en 2018, Kingdom Come: Deliverance n’en était pas moins très élitiste et assez austère. Ce qui lui avait valu un abandon de pas mal de joueurs durant sa longue phase de tuto. Sept ans plus tard, nous voici en compagnie de sa suite, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Dans ce test du jeu, vous allez voir à quel point le titre de Warhorse Studios nous a comblé de bonheur, et qu’il peut très certainement trôner fièrement dans le top 10 des meilleurs RPG jamais créés.
En deux épisodes seulement, Warhorse Studios a été capable de faire siéger sa licence tout en haut du podium. En corrigeant toutes les lourdeurs du premier tome, ce Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 est vraiment une référence dans tous les domaines. Visuellement très beau, le titre n’en est pas moins ultra fun dans tous les domaines.
Nous avons particulièrement aimé la liberté absolue qui est donnée au joueur la plupart du temps. Vous n’avez pas envie d’avancer la quête principale ? Aucun souci, vous pourrez passer plus de 20 heures à faire autre chose. Mais là où le jeu est fort, c’est que « autre chose » n’est pas que combattre, mais véritablement profiter de tout ce que le jeu propose : chasse, commerce, cuisine, fabrication de potions, drague, forger des armes, s’instruire en lisant des livres etc.
Il est vraiment rare d’avoir un jeu d’une telle profondeur et d’une telle richesse. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous vous recommandons ultra chaudement ce Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ! Un grand RPG comme on en voit peu.
L’article Test de Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 | Un indispensable ! est apparu en premier sur PLAYERONE.TV.
If there’s one thing series veterans of the Like a Dragon and Yakuza series have been begging for, it’s more Majima. This Chaotic Good ex-Tojo Lieutenant has been constantly at Kiryu’s heels and only really got his time in the limelight as the deuteragonist in Yakuza 0 and one of the four playable heroes in Yakuza: Dead Souls. For more than twenty years, the Mad Dog of Shimano has yet to take center stage in his own game and all of that is about to change in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. It’s important to note that this […]
Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/like-a-dragon-pirate-yakuza-in-hawaii-did-sega-already-drop-the-gaiden-series/
Around four and a half years (the standard time to develop a triple-A game nowadays) after The Outer Worlds, Obsidian is back with Avowed. Like The Outer Worlds, this is an action roleplaying game, although the setting is fantasy rather than sci-fi. Indeed, Avowed takes place in the world of Eora, which the most devoted fans of the California-based development studio will already know from the Pillars of Eternity games. Those were crowdfunded isometric cRPGs, though, while the game that's being released now is a triple-A title that targets a very different audience. It also comes with much higher expectations […]
Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/avowed-surprisingly-meaty-unsurprisingly-deep/
Alors que l’on sait Horizon 3 actuellement en développement sur PS5, un MMORPG était visiblement dans les tuyaux. Non pas chez Guerrilla Games, mais NCSoft (série Guild Wars). Cependant, suite à la vague massive d’annulations de GAaS chez PlayStation, ce MMORPG Horizon serait lui aussi passé à la trappe. Explications.
Pour information, ce projet de MMORPG n’a jamais été officiellement annoncé. Ni par Sony, ni par NCSoft qui gardait ce projet secret. Il ne s’agit pas non plus de Horizon Online, qui serait, lui, toujours en développement chez Guerrilla Games, fait par une toute petite équipe annexe. Mais avec la vague d’annulation des GAaS par PlayStation, rien ne prouve que ce projet est toujours vivant à l’heure actuelle…
Genre assez délaissé depuis quelques années, les jeux de rôle massivement jouable en ligne ne sont plus vraiment à la fête. Il n’est donc pas si étonnant que cela de voir le projet s’arrêter. Cet état de fait nous questionne en revanche sur la stratégie des GAaS de Sony. Comment ont-ils pu autant dilapider d’argent et de temps en misant beaucoup trop sur ce genre de jeux ? Quels en seront les conséquences ? Nous le découvrirons bien assez tôt !
L’article Le MMORPG HORIZON serait annulé sur PS5 et PC est apparu en premier sur PLAYERONE.TV.
While a pirate-themed setting is perfect for video games, titles that allow players to travel on the high seas in search of adventure and treasure are very difficult to come by nowadays. For this reason, Flint: Treasure of Oblivion by Savage Level caught the eye of more than a few players with its setting, story, and characters, as well as for its tactical gameplay, which combines a somewhat straightforward turn-based combat system with features lifted from trading card games, with a sprinkle of tabletop RPGs features on top, such as visible die rolls for attacks and defense. While all of […]
Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/flint-treasure-of-oblivion-a-sinking-ship/