Altermagnets imaged at the nanoscale
A recently-discovered class of magnets called altermagnets has been imaged in detail for the first time thanks to a technique developed by physicists at the University of Nottingham’s School of Physics and Astronomy in the UK. The team exploited the unique properties of altermagnetism to map the magnetic domains in the altermagnet manganese telluride (MnTe) down to the nanoscale level, raising hopes that its unusual magnetic ordering could be controlled and exploited in technological applications.
In most magnetically-ordered materials, the spins of atoms (that is, their magnetic moments) have two options: they can line up parallel with each other, or antiparallel, alternating up and down. These arrangements arise from the exchange interaction between atoms, and lead to ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism, respectively.
Altermagnets, which were discovered in 2024, are different. While their neighbouring spins are antiparallel, like an antiferromagnet, the atoms hosting these spins are rotated relative to their neighbours. This means that they combine some properties from both types of conventional magnetism. For example, the up, down, up ordering of their spins leads to a net magnetization of zero because – as in antiferromagnets – the spins essentially cancel each other out. However, their spin splitting is non-relativistic, as in ferromagnets.
Resolving altermagnetic states down to nanoscale
Working at the MAX IV international synchrotron facility in Sweden, a team led by Nottingham’s Peter Wadley used photoemission electron microscopy to detect the electrons emitted from the surface of MnTe when it was irradiated with a polarized X-ray beam.
“The emitted electrons depend on the polarization of the X-ray beam in ways not seen in other classes of magnetic materials,” explains Wadley, “and this can be used to map the magnetic domains in the material with unprecedented detail.”
Using this technique, the team was able to resolve altermagnetic states down to the nanoscale – from 100-nm-scale vortices and domain walls up to 10-μm-sized single-domain states. And that is not all: Wadley and colleagues found that they could control these features by cooling the material while a magnetic field is applied.
Potential uses of altermagnets
Magnetic materials are found in most long-term computer memory devices and in many advanced microchips, including those used for Internet of Things and artificial intelligence applications. If these materials were replaced with altermagnets, Wadley and colleagues say that the switching speed of microelectronic components and digital memory could increase by up to a factor of 1000, with lower energy consumption.
“The predicted properties of altermagnets make them very attractive from the point of view of fundamental research and applications,” Wadley tells Physics World. “With strong theoretical guidance from our collaborators at FZU Prague and the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, we realised that our experience in materials development and magnetic imaging positioned us well to attempt to image and control altermagnetic domains.”
One of the main challenges the researchers faced was developing thin films of MnTe with surfaces of a sufficiently high quality that allowed them to detect the subtle X-ray spectroscopy signatures of the altermagnetic order. They hope that their study, detailed in Nature, will spur further interest in these materials.
“Altermagnets provide a new vista of predicted phenomena from unconventional domain walls to unique band structure effects,” Wadley says. “We are exploring these effects on multiple fronts and one of the major goals is to demonstrate a more efficient means of controlling the magnetic domains, for example, by applying electric currents rather than cooling them down.”
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