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The Killing of an Infowars Reporter Was Likely a Random Attack, Police Say

But that has not stopped Infowars’ founder, Alex Jones, from spreading misinformation.

© Dimitri Staszewski for The New York Times

When asked about the conspiracy theories, Jason Jones, the Police Department’s lead homicide investigator on the case replied, “We will follow the leads that develop in this case.”

Online Influencer Is Killed While Livestreaming in Tokyo

Police in Japan have charged a man with the murder, saying he was a follower who had tracked her location by the buildings behind her as she filmed herself.

© Kyodo News, via Associated Press

Investigators at the scene where an online influencer was stabbed to death in Tokyo on Tuesday. Violent crime is rare in Japan.

2,000 Striking N.Y. Prison Officers Fired and Barred From Public Jobs

Gov. Kathy Hochul made good on a threat to punish those who failed to meet a Monday deadline for returning to their posts after a three-week work stoppage.

© Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Correction officers at New York’s prisons who engaged in wildcat strikes complained about staff shortages and poor working conditions.