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Un autre Ryzen 7 9800X3D mort… Sur une X870E Tomahawk !

9800x3d mort

Nouveau cas de processeur Ryzen 7 9800X3D brûlé. Toutefois, contrairement à d’habitude, ce modèle n’est pas mort sur une carte mère ASRock, mais un modèle de chez MSI. Dans ce cas précis, il s’agit d’une X870E Tomahawk. Le plus « drôle » dans l’histoire, c’est que si le processeur est mort, la carte mère, elle, […]

L’article Un autre Ryzen 7 9800X3D mort… Sur une X870E Tomahawk ! est apparu en premier sur Overclocking.com.


Un autre Ryzen 7 9800X3D mort… Sur une X870E Tomahawk !

9800x3d mort

Nouveau cas de processeur Ryzen 7 9800X3D brûlé. Toutefois, contrairement à d’habitude, ce modèle n’est pas mort sur une carte mère ASRock, mais un modèle de chez MSI. Dans ce cas précis, il s’agit d’une X870E Tomahawk. Le plus « drôle » dans l’histoire, c’est que si le processeur est mort, la carte mère, elle, […]

L’article Un autre Ryzen 7 9800X3D mort… Sur une X870E Tomahawk ! est apparu en premier sur Overclocking.com.


MSI présente ses nouvelles alimentations MPG GS prêtes pour la RTX 5000 jusqu’à 1250W

Msi Presente Ses Nouvelles Alimentations Mpg Gs Pretes Pour La.jpg
MSI dévoile une nouvelle gamme d’alimentations à la pointe de la technologie, spécifiquement conçues pour les computers hautes performances, sous la série MEG GS. MSI Lance Une Nouvelle Série d’Alimentations MPG GS Conforme aux Normes Modernes Récemment, ils ont partagé les premières impressions sur le modèle haut de gamme MEG Ai1600T, destiné aux utilisateurs exigeants. […]

MSI présente ses nouvelles alimentations MPG GS prêtes pour la RTX 5000 jusqu’à 1250W

Msi Presente Ses Nouvelles Alimentations Mpg Gs Pretes Pour La.jpg
MSI dévoile une nouvelle gamme d’alimentations à la pointe de la technologie, spécifiquement conçues pour les computers hautes performances, sous la série MEG GS. MSI Lance Une Nouvelle Série d’Alimentations MPG GS Conforme aux Normes Modernes Récemment, ils ont partagé les premières impressions sur le modèle haut de gamme MEG Ai1600T, destiné aux utilisateurs exigeants. […]

Un Ryzen 7 9800X3D grillé après l’activation d’EXPO, l’utilisateur incrimine la MSI X870E

Un Ryzen 7 9800x3d Grille Apres Lactivation Dexpo Lutilisateur Incrimine.png
Un utilisateur a récemment signalé des dommages au niveau de son processeur AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D, et cette fois-ci, aucune anomalie n’a été observée sur les cartes mères de la série ASRock 800. Problème de défaillance sur le Ryzen 7 9800X3D avec la carte mère MSI X870E Tomahawk Wi-Fi Des incidents liés à des dommages […]

Un Ryzen 7 9800X3D grillé après l’activation d’EXPO, l’utilisateur incrimine MSI X870E

Un Ryzen 7 9800x3d Grille Apres Lactivation Dexpo Lutilisateur Incrimine.png
Un utilisateur a récemment signalé des dommages au niveau de son processeur AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D, et cette fois-ci, aucune anomalie n’a été observée sur les cartes mères de la série ASRock 800. Problème de défaillance sur le Ryzen 7 9800X3D avec la carte mère MSI X870E Tomahawk Wi-Fi Des incidents liés à des dommages […]

RTX 5070 Shadow X2 : une 19e RTX 5070 (hors stock) chez MSI !

MSI multiplie les références de cartes graphiques avec sa RTX 5070 Shadow x2. Pourquoi multiplie ? Tout simplement parce qu’il s’agit de la 19e référence de RTX 5070 figurant au catalogue de la marque. Véritablement, MSI propose une gamme ultra complète avec ce GPU, peut-être un peu trop ? Quoi qu’il en soit, cela ne […]

L’article RTX 5070 Shadow X2 : une 19e RTX 5070 (hors stock) chez MSI ! est apparu en premier sur Overclocking.com.


RTX 5070 Shadow X2 : une 19e RTX 5070 (hors stock) chez MSI !

MSI multiplie les références de cartes graphiques avec sa RTX 5070 Shadow x2. Pourquoi multiplie ? Tout simplement parce qu’il s’agit de la 19e référence de RTX 5070 figurant au catalogue de la marque. Véritablement, MSI propose une gamme ultra complète avec ce GPU, peut-être un peu trop ? Quoi qu’il en soit, cela ne […]

L’article RTX 5070 Shadow X2 : une 19e RTX 5070 (hors stock) chez MSI ! est apparu en premier sur Overclocking.com.


MSI MEG Ai1600T PCIe5 1600W Power Supply Impressions – Titanium, ATX 3.1, RGB, It Has It All!

MSI is a fairly new entrant when it comes to PSU components but the manufacturer has made it a priority to upgrade its entire lineup to the latest ATX 3.0 standard. The manufacturer offers its line in three segments, the entry-level MAG, the mid-tier MPG, and the enthusiast-grade MEG series. We previously got a taste of the MEG Ai1300P and the MPG A1000G ATX 3.0 PSU but this year, MSI is finally unleashing its flagship product, the MEG Ai1600T which goes all onboard the ATX 3.1 PSU segment with premium components and a powerful 1600W Titanium rating. MSI MEG Ai1600T […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/msi-meg-ai1600t-pcie5-1600w-power-supply-impressions-titanium-atx-3-1-rgb-it-has-it-all/


Dutch etailer sends out long-awaited RTX 5090 after fake recall claim

Last week, a dutch etailer caused quite a stir after telling RTX 5090 pre-order customers that they would have to wait longer for their graphics cards to arrive. Despite having units in stock, the store claimed that Nvidia had issued a recall of RTX 50 GPUs. We were quickly able to establish that no such recall is or was taking place, and now, customers who have been kept waiting for over a month are starting to get their graphics cards.

One of our YouTube channel subscribers, Ben, got in touch with us about the situation last week, producing proof of purchase for the RTX 5090 at uwgamespecialist.nl, as well as the email from their customer service stating that Nvidia had recalled a number of graphics cards. Ben had purchased the RTX 5090 for 3399 euros in January but despite the card showing as in stock on the retailer's website, he could not get an update on when the card would ship. This eventually led to the now infamous ‘recall' claim. The CEO for uwgamespecialist.nl later admitted in email to KitGuru that there was no recall and promised to get Ben the unit he ordered.

In an email this morning, Ben confirmed to us that he did indeed receive his MSI RTX 5090 Suprim graphics card from uwgamespecialist.nl on Monday. We know of at least one other customer who bought the same graphics card at a similar price, on the same day as Ben, who is also awaiting their unit. It is our hope that they also get their unit in the coming days.

To catch up on the whole story surrounding this situation, be sure to check out the editorial from our Editor-in-Chief, Allan Campbell, HERE.

KitGuru Says: If you are buying an in-demand item like the RTX 5090, be sure to keep an eye on the store you ordered from for any stock updates and raise the alarm if you notice something suspicious, like a dubious recall claim. You'll always be able to tell if a legitimate recall has been issued or not, as product recalls always require a public announcement from the original product manufacturer.  

The post Dutch etailer sends out long-awaited RTX 5090 after fake recall claim first appeared on KitGuru.

Alimentation MSI MEG Ai1600T : puissance, style et performance réunis en ATX 3.1

Alimentation Msi Meg Ai1600t Puissance Style Et Performance Reunis.jpg
MSI, un nouvel acteur sur le marché des blocs d’alimentation, a décidé de mettre à jour l’ensemble de sa gamme au standard ATX 3.0. Le constructeur propose ses produits dans trois catégories : le segment d’entrée de gamme MAG, le milieu de gamme MPG et la série haut de gamme MEG. Après avoir expérimenté les […]

MSI répond au rappel de ses RTX 5090 pour « risque d’incendie »

RTX 5090 12VHPWR brûlé

Il y a quelques jours, nous apprenions qu’un revendeur avait initié une campagne de rappel de carte graphique. Cette dernière impliquait des RTX 5090 en provenance de chez MSI qui l’a d’ailleurs très mal pris. En même temps, le motif de campagne aussi sérieuse qu’éphémère mentionnait un risque d’incendie des cartes. Bref, la marque au […]

L’article MSI répond au rappel de ses RTX 5090 pour « risque d’incendie » est apparu en premier sur Overclocking.com.


MSI Dément les rumeurs de rappel de la GeForce RTX 5090 pour risque d’incendie

Msi Dement Les Rumeurs De Rappel De La Geforce Rtx.jpg
MSI a récemment pris position concernant les rumeurs de rappel liées à la NVIDIA RTX 5090, démentant fermement ces affirmations et précisant que le site de ventes à l’origine de l’information n’est pas un partenaire officiel. MSI Clarifie la Situation autour des RTX 5090 et Réfute les Allégations de Risque d’Incendie Il y a eu […]

MSI denies claim of RTX 5090 Suprim recall

Following on from yesterday's report about a Dutch retailer informing customers of an MSI RTX 5090 recall, MSI has responded, denying that any recall is in progress and sharing a list of authorised resellers.

Here is the statement in full:

“We had the unpleasant surprise of learning on 03/06/2025, through an article on the Kitguru website, that a Dutch retailer—UW GAME SPECIALIST [https://uwgamespecialist.nl/]—allegedly informed a customer that they were unable to fulfill their order because 5 Geforce RTX 5090 32G Suprim SOC from our brand had supposedly been recalled due to a fire hazard. With this statement, we would like to make it clear that these allegations are absolutely false, that no recall program is in progress, and that our products present no such risk. Furthermore, we would like to specify that this retailer is not one of MSI’s partners, and we do not work with them. We reserve the right to initiate legal proceedings against those responsible for these highly defamatory allegations, which harm our brand’s reputation, as well as against anyone contributing to their dissemination”.

Below is a list of authorised MSI resellers offering GPUs throughout the Benelux region:

  • Megekko
  • Azerty
  • Alternate NL
  • Alternate BE
  • SHS
  • CPS
  • PDC
  • Bol
  • Coolblue
  • Copaco

Discuss on our Facebook page, HERE.

KitGuru Says: If you are looking to buy an RTX 5090, make sure you check the list of authorised etailers. Above, you can find the list of MSI's authorised resale partners. 

The post MSI denies claim of RTX 5090 Suprim recall first appeared on KitGuru.

La console de jeu MSI Claw est en cours de déstockage chez Cdiscount et chute à un prix inédit

Malgré ses quelques défauts, la MSI Claw reste une excellente copie version team bleue de la ROG Ally. Cette console portable peut en intéresser plus d'un, surtout maintenant qu'elle se négocie à 384 euros, au lieu de 799 euros à son lancement.
 [Lire la suite]

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MSI MAG X870E Edge TI WIFI, X870E Tomahawk WIFI & X870 Tomahawk Motherboards Review – Great Designs For New Ryzen Builders

It's been two years since the launch of the AMD AM5 motherboard platform and the 600-series motherboards. Since its launch, the platform has seen the launch of several CPUs in the Ryzen 7000, Ryzen 8000, and Ryzen 9000 family. While the 600-series motherboards provide great features & compatibility with newer Zen 5 CPUs, motherboard makers are always looking to enhance user experiences through the latest technologies which is why AMD has introduced a new chipset line called 800-series. Today, the first wave of AMD 800-series motherboards is hitting shelves in the form of the X870E for Enthusiasts and X870 for […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/msi-mag-x870e-edge-ti-wifi-x870e-tomahawk-wifi-x870-tomahawk-motherboards-review-great-designs-for-new-ryzen-builders/


MSI MEG Z890 GODLIKE Motherboard Review – GODLIKE Features At A GODLIKE Price

The Intel LGA 1700 platform was launched three years ago in 2021 and it has since seen a total of 3 generations of CPUs, Alder Lake (12th Gen), Raptor Lake (13th Gen), and Raptor Lake Refresh (14th Gen). We have seen at least three generations of motherboards, first with the 600-series which had Z690 as the top SKU, and then two generations of 700-series based on the top Z790 chipset which included a soft refresh for the 14th Gen lineup. Intel has now introduced its next-generation 800-series chipsets and with the Core Ultra 200S CPU series, the company is also […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/msi-meg-z890-godlike-motherboard-review-godlike-features-at-a-godlike-price/


MSI Prestige AI EVO 16 B2HMG “Intel Core Ultra 9 285H” Laptop Review – Arrow Lake Comes To Mobile

The mobility segment has seen some significant updates over the last couple of years. From hybrid architectures to chiplet designs and the inclusion of brand-new Core IPs, laptops today are some of the most versatile PC devices on the market. One of the expanding ecosystems is AI & all vendors are offering brand new hardware changes in the form of NPUs that are required for new AI services such as Microsoft's Copilot+ feature suite. Intel's first chapter of its AI-infused PC journey came in the form of Meteor Lake with the Core Ultra Series 1 chips. These chips were the […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/msi-prestige-ai-evo-16-b2hmg-intel-core-ultra-9-285h-laptop-review-arrow-lake-comes-to-mobile/


MSI GeForce RTX 5080 Vanguard SOC 16 GB GPU Review – Fantastic Cooling, Great OC Capability

MSI GeForce RTX 5080 Vanguard SOC 16 GB GPU Review - Fantastic Cooling, Great OC Capability 2

It's been two years since NVIDIA introduced its Ada Lovelace GPUs, kicking things off with the RTX 4090 and finishing up the initial lineup with the SUPER family At CES, the company unveiled its new RTX 50 "Blackwell" family which features a brand new architecture and several changes such as new cores, AI accelerators, new memory standards, and the latest video/display capabilities. Today, NVIDIA is releasing the second fastest card within its "RTX 50" portfolio, the GeForce RTX 5080. The GeForce RTX 5080 is a top-of-the-line graphics card, designed for enthusiast gamers, and features a price point of $999 US […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/msi-geforce-rtx-5080-vanguard-soc-16-gb-gpu-review-fantastic-cooling-great-oc/


MSI GeForce RTX 5080 SUPRIM SOC 16 GB GPU Review – Superior Cooling, Stunning Looks

It's been two years since NVIDIA introduced its Ada Lovelace GPUs, kicking things off with the RTX 4090 and finishing up the initial lineup with the SUPER family At CES, the company unveiled its new RTX 50 "Blackwell" family which features a brand new architecture and several changes such as new cores, AI accelerators, new memory standards, and the latest video/display capabilities. Today, NVIDIA is releasing the second fastest card within its "RTX 50" portfolio, the GeForce RTX 5080. The GeForce RTX 5080 is a top-of-the-line graphics card, designed for enthusiast gamers, and features a price point of $999 US […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/msi-geforce-rtx-5080-suprim-soc-16-gb-gpu-review-superior-cooling-stunning-looks/


MSI GeForce RTX 5090 SUPRIM SOC 32 GB GPU Review – Enter The Realm of AI-Charged Gaming

It's been two years since NVIDIA introduced its Ada Lovelace GPUs, kicking things off with the RTX 4090 and finishing up the initial lineup with the SUPER family At CES, the company unveiled its new RTX 50 "Blackwell" family which features a brand new architecture and several changes such as new cores, AI accelerators, new memory standards, and the latest video/display capabilities. Today, NVIDIA is releasing the last and fastest card within its "RTX 50" portfolio, the GeForce RTX 5090. The GeForce RTX 5090 is a top-of-the-line graphics card, designed for enthusiast gamers and prosumers, and features a gargantuan price […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/msi-geforce-rtx-5090-suprim-soc-32-gb-gpu-review-enter-the-realm-of-ai-charged-gaming/


MSI MPG 322URX 4K 240Hz QD-OLED Gaming Monitor Review – RTX 50 Ready With Spectacular Display For Next-Gen Gaming

MSI's gaming monitor lineup has seen various additions in the past couple of years, with designs that cater to all kinds of gamers. These monitors come in four different tiers, from the high-end MEG series to the gaming-minded MPG series, the entry-level MAG series & the budget G-Series. The company has a vast array of options in 24, 25, 27, 32, 34, 40, and 49" options and a total of 17 models within its OLED lineup which range from 27, 32, 34, and 49" options. The company recently refreshed its QD-OLED lineup with new options that come with improved panels, […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/review/msi-mpg-322urx-4k-240hz-qd-oled-gaming-monitor-review-rtx-50-ready/
