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Aujourd’hui — 24 janvier 2025Flux principal

Apple TV+ s'engage à financer des séries françaises

24 janvier 2025 à 18:04
Apple a signé un accord avec les représentants du secteur audiovisuel en France, rapporte Deadline, engageant Apple TV+ à des investissements dans des productions locales et européennes. Cet accord ne couvre pas le cinéma, uniquement les séries : la plateforme de streaming d'Apple financera le...

The physics of George R R Martin’s Wild Card virus revealed

24 janvier 2025 à 17:00

It’s not every day that a well-known author writes a physics paper. But George R R Martin, who is best known for his Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels, has co-authored a paper in the American Journal of Physics with the title “Ergodic Lagrangian dynamics in a superhero universe”.

Written with Los Alamos National Laboratory theoretical physicist Ian Tregillis, who is also a science-fiction author of several books, they have derived a mathematical model of the so-called wild cards virus.

The Wild Cards universe is a series of novels created by a consortium of writers including Martin and Tregillis.

Set largely during an alternate history of the US following the Second World War, the series follows events after an extraterrestrial virus, known as the Wild Card virus, has spread worldwide. It mutates human DNA causing profound changes in human physiology and society at large.

The virus follows a fixed statistical distribution of outcomes in that 90% of those infected die, 9% become physically mutated (referred to as “jokers”) and 1% gain superhuman abilities (known as “aces”). Such capabilities include the ability to fly as well as being able to move between dimensions. The stories in the series then follow the individuals that have been impacted by the virus.

Tregillis and Martin have now derived a formula for the viral behaviour of the Wild Card virus. “Like any physicist, I started with back-of-the-envelope estimates, but then I went off the deep end,” notes Tregillis. “Being a theoretician, I couldn’t help but wonder if a simple underlying model might tidy up the canon.”

The model takes into consideration the severity of the changes (for the 10% that don’t instantly die) and the mix of joke/ace traits. After all, those infected can also become cryto-jokers or crypto-aces – undetected cases where individuals have subtle changes or powers – as well as joker-aces, in which a human develops both mutations and superhuman abilities.

The result is a dynamical system in which a carrier’s state vector constantly evolves through the model space — until their “card” turns. At that point the state vector becomes fixed and its permanent location determines the fate of the carrier. “The time-averaged behavior of this system generates the statistical distribution of outcomes,” adds Tregillis.

The purpose of the paper, and the model, is also to provide an exercise in demonstrating how “whimsical” scenarios can be used to explore concepts in physics and mathematics.

“The fictional virus is really just an excuse to justify the world of Wild Cards, the characters who inhabit it, and the plot lines that spin out from their actions,” says Tregillis.

The post The physics of George R R Martin’s Wild Card virus revealed appeared first on Physics World.

Fast radio burst came from a neutron star’s magnetosphere, say astronomers

24 janvier 2025 à 16:00

The exact origins of cosmic phenomena known as fast radio bursts (FRBs) are not fully understood, but scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US have identified a fresh clue: at least one of these puzzling cosmic discharges got its start very close to the object that emitted it. This result, which is based on measurements of a fast radio burst called FRB 20221022A, puts to rest a long-standing debate about whether FRBs can escape their emitters’ immediate surroundings. The conclusion: they can.

“Competing theories argued that FRBs might instead be generated much farther away in shock waves that propagate far from the central emitting object,” explains astronomer Kenzie Nimmo of MIT’s Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. “Our findings show that, at least for this FRB, the emission can escape the intense plasma near a compact object and still be detected on Earth.”

As their name implies, FRBs are brief, intense bursts of radio waves. The first was detected in 2007, and since then astronomers have spotted thousands of others, including some within our own galaxy. They are believed to originate from cataclysmic processes involving compact celestial objects such as neutron stars, and they typically last a few milliseconds. However, astronomers have recently found evidence for bursts a thousand times shorter, further complicating the question of where they come from.

Nimmo and colleagues say they have now conclusively demonstrated that FRB 20221022A, which was detected by the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) in 2022, comes from a region only 10 000 km in size. This, they claim, means it must have originated in the highly magnetized region that surrounds a star: the magnetosphere.

“Fairly intuitive” concept

The researchers obtained their result by measuring the FRB’s scintillation, which Nimmo explains is conceptually similar to the twinkling of stars in the night sky. The reason stars twinkle is that because they are so far away, they appear to us as point sources. This means that their apparent brightness is more affected by the Earth’s atmosphere than is the case for planets and other objects that are closer to us and appear larger.

“We applied this same principle to FRBs using plasma in their host galaxy as the ‘scintillation screen’, analogous to Earth’s atmosphere,” Nimmo tells Physics World. “If the plasma causing the scintillation is close to the FRB source, we can use this to infer the apparent size of the FRB emission region.”

According to Nimmo, different models of FRB origins predict very different sizes for this region. “Emissions originating within the magnetized environments of compact objects (for example, magnetospheres) would produce a much smaller apparent size compared to emission generated in distant shocks propagating far from the central object,” she explains. “By constraining the emission region size through scintillation, we can determine which physical model is more likely to explain the observed FRB.”

Challenge to existing models

The idea for the new study, Nimmo says, stemmed from a conversation with another astronomer, Pawan Kumar of the University of Texas at Austin, early last year. “He shared a theoretical result showing how scintillation could be used a ‘probe’ to constrain the size of the FRB emission region, and, by extension, the FRB emission mechanism,” Nimmo says. “This sparked our interest and we began exploring the FRBs discovered by CHIME to search for observational evidence for this phenomenon.”

The researchers say that their study, which is detailed in Nature, shows that at least some FRBs originate from magnetospheric processes near compact objects such as neutron stars. This finding is a challenge for models of conditions in these extreme environments, they say, because if FRB signals can escape the dense plasma expected to exist near such objects, the plasma may be less opaque than previously assumed. Alternatively, unknown factors may be influencing FRB propagation through these regions.

A diagnostic tool

One advantage of studying FRB 20221022A is that it is relatively conventional in terms of its brightness and the duration of its signal (around 2 milliseconds). It does have one special property, however, as discovered by Nimmo’s colleagues at McGill University in Canada: its light is highly polarized. What is more, the pattern of its polarization implies that its emitter must be rotating in a way that is reminiscent of pulsars, which are highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars. This result is reported in a separate paper in Nature.

In Nimmo’s view, the MIT team’s study of this (mostly) conventional FRB establishes scintillation as a “powerful diagnostic tool” for probing FRB emission mechanisms. “By applying this method to a larger sample of FRBs, which we now plan to investigate, future studies could refine our understanding of their underlying physical processes and the diverse environments they occupy.”

The post Fast radio burst came from a neutron star’s magnetosphere, say astronomers appeared first on Physics World.

Une ancienne souris laser Gigabyte prend feu, l’entreprise enquête sur l’incident

24 janvier 2025 à 17:48
Une ancienne souris laser Gigabyte prend feu, l'entreprise enquête sur l'incident
Une aventure inattendue s’est produite quand un utilisateur de Reddit a vu sa souris Gigabyte se transformer en flamme. Bien que l’incident ait été maîtrisé, il aurait pu causer de graves dégâts. Ce témoignage soulève des préoccupations sur la sécurité des périphériques informatiques, en particulier ceux qui filent à bas coût. Une patate chaude : […]

Soldes d’hiver : c’est le moment de s’offrir une tablette Apple, Samsung ou Lenovo à prix cassé ! Notre top 12 des meilleurs deals

Par : Axel Savoye
24 janvier 2025 à 17:47

Les soldes sont l’occasion idéale pour vous de vous équiper à moindres frais pour le début d’année. Vous avez droit à de belles offres, notamment côté tablettes. Voici une sélection de celles avec un prix plus attractif.
 [Lire la suite]

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