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Frequency-comb detection of gas molecules achieves parts-per-trillion sensitivity

27 février 2025 à 17:12

A new technique for using frequency combs to measure trace concentrations of gas molecules has been developed by researchers in the US. The team reports single-digit parts-per-trillion detection sensitivity, and extreme broadband coverage over 1000 cm-1 wavenumbers. This record-level sensing performance could open up a variety of hitherto inaccessible applications in fields such as medicine, environmental chemistry and chemical kinetics.

Each molecular species will absorb light at a specific set of frequencies. So, shining light through a sample of gas and measuring this absorption can reveal the molecular composition of the gas.

Cavity ringdown spectroscopy is an established way to increase the sensitivity of absorption spectroscopy and needs no calibration. A laser is injected between two mirrors, creating an optical standing wave. A sample of gas is then injected into the cavity, so the laser beam passes through it, normally many thousands of times. The absorption of light by the gas is then determined by the rate at which the intracavity light intensity “rings down” – in other words, the rate at which the standing wave decays away.

Researchers have used this method with frequency comb lasers to probe the absorption of gas samples at a range of different light frequencies. A frequency comb produces light at a series of very sharp intensity peaks that are equidistant in frequency – resembling the teeth of a comb.

Shifting resonances

However, the more reflective the mirrors become (the higher the cavity finesse), the narrower each cavity resonance becomes. Due to the fact that their frequencies are not evenly spaced and can be heavily altered by the loaded gas, normally one relies on creating oscillations in the length of the cavity. This creates shifts in all the cavity resonance frequencies to modulate around the comb lines. Multiple resonances are sequentially excited and the transient comb intensity dynamics are captured by a camera, following spatial separation by an optical grating.

“That experimental scheme works in the near-infrared, but not in the mid-infrared,” says Qizhong Liang. “Mid-infrared cameras are not fast enough to capture those dynamics yet.” This is a problem because the mid-infrared is where many molecules can be identified by their unique absorption spectra.

Liang is a member of Jun Ye’s group in JILA in Colorado, which has shown that it is possible to measure transient comb dynamics simply with a Michelson interferometer. The spectrometer entails only beam splitters, a delay stage, and photodetectors. The researchers worked out that, the periodically generated intensity dynamics arising from each tooth of the frequency comb can be detected as a set of Fourier components offset by Doppler frequency shifts. Absorption from the loaded gas can thus be determined.

Dithering the cavity

This process of reading out transient dynamics from “dithering” the cavity by a passive Michelson interferometer is much simpler than previous setups and thus can be used by people with little experience with combs, says Liang. It also places no restrictions on the finesse of the cavity, spectral resolution, or spectral coverage. “If you’re dithering the cavity resonances, then no matter how narrow the cavity resonance is, it’s guaranteed that the comb lines can be deterministically coupled to the cavity resonance twice per cavity round trip modulation,” he explains.

The researchers reported detections of various molecules at concentrations as low as parts-per-billion with parts-per-trillion uncertainty in exhaled air from volunteers. This included biomedically relevant molecules such as acetone, which is a sign of diabetes, and formaldehyde, which is diagnostic of lung cancer. “Detection of molecules in exhaled breath in medicine has been done in the past,” explains Liang. “The more important point here is that, even if you have no prior knowledge about what the gas sample composition is, be it in industrial applications, environmental science applications or whatever you can still use it.”

Konstantin Vodopyanov of the University of Central Florida in Orlando comments: “This achievement is remarkable, as it integrates two cutting-edge techniques: cavity ringdown spectroscopy, where a high-finesse optical cavity dramatically extends the laser beam’s path to enhance sensitivity in detecting weak molecular resonances, and frequency combs, which serve as a precise frequency ruler composed of ultra-sharp spectral lines. By further refining the spectral resolution to the Doppler broadening limit of less than 100 MHz and referencing the absolute frequency scale to a reliable frequency standard, this technology holds great promise for applications such as trace gas detection and medical breath analysis.”

The spectrometer is described in Nature.

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New transfer arm moves heavier samples in vacuum

26 février 2025 à 13:21

Vacuum technology is routinely used in both scientific research and industrial processes. In physics, high-quality vacuum systems make it possible to study materials under extremely clean and stable conditions. In industry, vacuum is used to lift, position and move objects precisely and reliably. Without these technologies, a great deal of research and development would simply not happen. But for all its advantages, working under vacuum does come with certain challenges. For example, once something is inside a vacuum system, how do you manipulate it without opening the system up?

Heavy duty: The new transfer arm
Heavy duty: The new transfer arm. (Courtesy: UHV Design)

The UK-based firm UHV Design has been working on this problem for over a quarter of a century, developing and manufacturing vacuum manipulation solutions for new research disciplines as well as emerging industrial applications. Its products, which are based on magnetically coupled linear and rotary probes, are widely used at laboratories around the world, in areas ranging from nanoscience to synchrotron and beamline applications. According to engineering director Jonty Eyres, the firm’s latest innovation – a new sample transfer arm released at the beginning of this year – extends this well-established range into new territory.

“The new product is a magnetically coupled probe that allows you to move a sample from point A to point B in a vacuum system,” Eyres explains. “It was designed to have an order of magnitude improvement in terms of both linear and rotary motion thanks to the magnets in it being arranged in a particular way. It is thus able to move and position objects that are much heavier than was previously possible.”

The new sample arm, Eyres explains, is made up of a vacuum “envelope” comprising a welded flange and tube assembly. This assembly has an outer magnet array that magnetically couples to an inner magnet array attached to an output shaft. The output shaft extends beyond the mounting flange and incorporates a support bearing assembly. “Depending on the model, the shafts can either be in one or more axes: they move samples around either linearly, linear/rotary or incorporating a dual axis to actuate a gripper or equivalent elevating plate,” Eyres says.

Continual development, review and improvement

While similar devices are already on the market, Eyres says that the new product has a significantly larger magnetic coupling strength in terms of its linear thrust and rotary torque. These features were developed in close collaboration with customers who expressed a need for arms that could carry heavier payloads and move them with more precision. In particular, Eyres notes that in the original product, the maximum weight that could be placed on the end of the shaft – a parameter that depends on the stiffness of the shaft as well as the magnetic coupling strength – was too small for these customers’ applications.

“From our point of view, it was not so much the magnetic coupling that needed to be reviewed, but the stiffness of the device in terms of the size of the shaft that extends out to the vacuum system,” Eyres explains. “The new arm deflects much less from its original position even with a heavier load and when moving objects over longer distances.”

The new product – a scaled-up version of the original – can move an object with a mass of up to 50 N (5 kg) over an axial stroke of up to 1.5 m. Eyres notes that it also requires minimal maintenance, which is important for moving higher loads. “It is thus targeted to customers who wish to move larger objects around over longer periods of time without having to worry about intervening too often,” he says.

Moving multiple objects

As well as moving larger, single objects, the new arm’s capabilities make it suitable for moving multiple objects at once. “Rather than having one sample go through at a time, we might want to nest three or four samples onto a large plate, which inevitably increases the size of the overall object,” Eyres explains.

Before they created this product, he continues, he and his UHV Design colleagues were not aware of any magnetic coupled solution on the marketplace that enabled users to do this. “As well as being capable of moving heavy samples, our product can also move lighter samples, but with a lot less shaft deflection over the stroke of the product,” he says. “This could be important for researchers, particularly if they are limited in space or if they wish to avoid adding costly supports in their vacuum system.”

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Inverse design configures magnon-based signal processor

18 février 2025 à 17:08

For the first time, inverse design has been used to engineer specific functionalities into a universal spin-wave-based device. It was created by Andrii Chumak and colleagues at Austria’s University of Vienna, who hope that their magnonic device could pave the way for substantial improvements to the energy efficiency of data processing techniques.

Inverse design is a fast-growing technique for developing new materials and devices that are specialized for highly specific uses. Starting from a desired functionality, inverse-design algorithms work backwards to find the best system or structure to achieve that functionality.

“Inverse design has a lot of potential because all we have to do is create a highly reconfigurable medium, and give it control over a computer,” Chumak explains. “It will use algorithms to get any functionality we want with the same device.”

One area where inverse design could be useful is creating systems for encoding and processing data using quantized spin waves called magnons. These quasiparticles are collective excitations that propagate in magnetic materials. Information can be encoded in the amplitude, phase, and frequency of magnons – which interact with radio-frequency (RF) signals.

Collective rotation

A magnon propagates by the collective rotation of stationary spins (no particles move) so it offers a highly energy-efficient way to transfer and process information. So far, however, such magnonics has been limited by existing approaches to the design of RF devices.

“Usually we use direct design – where we know how the spin waves behave in each component, and put the components together to get a working device,” Chumak explains. “But this sometimes takes years, and only works for one functionality.”

Recently, two theoretical studies considered how inverse design could be used to create magnonic devices. These took the physics of magnetic materials as a starting point to engineer a neural-network device.

Building on these results, Chumak’s team set out to show how that approach could be realized in the lab using a 7×7 array of independently-controlled current loops, each generating a small magnetic field.

Thin magnetic film

The team attached the array to a thin magnetic film of yttrium iron garnet. As RF spin waves propagated through the film, differences in the strengths of magnetic fields generated by the loops induced a variety of effects: including phase shifts, interference, and scattering. This in turn created complex patterns that could be tuned in real time by adjusting the current in each individual loop.

To make these adjustments, the researchers developed a pair of feedback-loop algorithms. These took a desired functionality as an input, and iteratively adjusted the current in each loop to optimize the spin wave propagation in the film for specific tasks.

This approach enabled them to engineer two specific signal-processing functionalities in their device. These are a notch filter, which blocks a specific range of frequencies while allowing others to pass through; and a demultiplexer, which separates a combined signal into its distinct component signals. “These RF applications could potentially be used for applications including cellular communications, WiFi, and GPS,” says Chumak.

While the device is a success in terms of functionality, it has several drawbacks, explains Chumak. “The demonstrator is big and consumes a lot of energy, but it was important to understand whether this idea works or not. And we proved that it did.”

Through their future research, the team will now aim to reduce these energy requirements, and will also explore how inverse design could be applied more universally – perhaps paving the way for ultra-efficient magnonic logic gates.

The research is described in Nature Electronics.

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Nanocrystals measure tiny forces on tiny length scales

22 janvier 2025 à 18:14

Two independent teams in the US have demonstrated the potential of using the optical properties of nanocrystals to create remote sensors that measure tiny forces on tiny length scales. One team is based at Stanford University and used nanocrystals to measure the micronewton-scale forces exerted by a worm as it chewed bacteria. The other team is based at several institutes and used the photon avalanche effect in nanocrystals to measure sub-nanonewton to micronewton forces. The latter technique could potentially be used to study forces involved in processes such as stem cell differentiation.

Remote sensing of forces at small scales is challenging, especially inside living organisms. Optical tweezers cannot make remote measurements inside the body, while fluorophores – molecules that absorb and re-emit light – can measure forces in organisms, but have limited range, problematic stability or, in the case of quantum dots, toxicity. Nanocrystals with optical properties that change when subjected to external forces offer a way forward.

At Stanford, materials scientist Jennifer Dionne led a team that used nanocrystals doped with ytterbium and erbium. When two ytterbium atoms absorb near-infrared photons, they can then transfer energy to a nearby erbium atom. In this excited state, the erbium can either decay directly to its lowest energy state by emitting red light, or become excited to an even higher-energy state that decays by emitting green light. These processes are called upconversion.

Colour change

The ratio of green to red emission depends on the separation between the ytterbium and erbium atoms, and the separation between the erbium atoms – explains Dionne’s PhD student Jason Casar, who is lead author of a paper describing the Stanford research. Forces on the nanocrystal can change these separations and therefore affect that ratio.

The researchers encased their nanocrystals in polystyrene vessels approximately the size of a E coli bacterium. They then mixed the encased nanoparticles with E coli bacteria that were then fed to tiny nematode worms. To extract the nutrients, the worm’s pharynx needs to break open the bacterial cell wall. “The biological question we set out to answer is how much force is the bacterium generating to achieve that breakage?” explains Stanford’s Miriam Goodman.

The researchers shone near-infrared light on the worms, allowing them to monitor the flow of the nanocrystals. By measuring the colour of the emitted light when the particles reached the pharynx, they determined the force it exerted with micronewton-scale precision.

Meanwhile, a collaboration of scientists at Columbia University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and elsewhere has shown that a process called photon avalanche can be used to measure even smaller forces on nanocrystals. The team’s avalanching nanoparticles (ANPs) are sodium yttrium fluoride nanocrystals doped with thulium – and were discovered by the team in 2021.

The fun starts here

The sensing process uses a laser tuned off-resonance from any transition from the ground state of the ANP. “We’re bathing our particles in 1064 nm light,” explains James Schuck of Columbia University, whose group led the research. “If the intensity is low, that all just blows by. But if, for some reason, you do eventually get some absorption – maybe a non-resonant absorption in which you give up a few phonons…then the fun starts. Our laser is resonant with an excited state transition, so you can absorb another photon.”

This creates a doubly excited state that can decay radiatively directly to the ground state, producing an upconverted photon. Or, it energy can be transferred to a nearby thulium atom, which becomes resonant with the excited state transition and can excite more thulium atoms into resonance with the laser. “That’s the avalanche,” says Schuck; “We find on average you get 30 or 40 of these events – it’s analogous to a chain reaction in nuclear fission.”

Now, Schuck and colleagues have shown that the exact number of photons produced in each avalanche decreases when the nanoparticle experiences compressive force. One reason is that the phonon frequencies are raised as the lattice is compressed, making non-radiatively decay energetically more favourable.

The thulium-doped nanoparticles decay by emitting either red or near infrared photons. As the force increases, the red dims more quickly, causing a change in the colour of the emitted light. These effects allowed the researchers to measure forces from the sub-nanonewton to the micronewton range – at which point the light output from the nanoparticles became too low to detect.

Not just for forces

Schuck and colleagues are now seeking practical applications of their discovery, and not just for measuring forces.

“We’re discovering that this avalanching process is sensitive to a lot of things,” says Schuck. “If we put these particles in a cell and we’re trying to measure a cellular force gradient, but the cell also happened to change its temperature, that would also affect the brightness of our particles, and we would like to be able to differentiate between those things. We think we know how to do that.”

If the technique could be made to work in a living cell, it could be used to measure tiny forces such as those involved in the extra-cellular matrix that dictate stem cell differentiation.

Andries Meijerink of Utrecht University in the Netherlands believes both teams have done important work that is impressive in different ways. Schuck and colleagues for unveiling a fundamentally new force sensing technique and Dionne’s team for demonstrating a remarkable practical application.

However, Meijerink is sceptical that photon avalanching will be useful for sensing in the short term. “It’s a very intricate process,” he says, adding, “There’s a really tricky balance between this first absorption step, which has to be slow and weak, and this resonant absorption”. Nevertheless, he says that researchers are discovering other systems that can avalanche. “I’m convinced that many more systems will be found,” he says.

Both studies are described in Nature. Dionne and colleagues report their results here, and Schuck and colleagues here.

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NMR technology shows promise in landmine clearance field trials

9 janvier 2025 à 11:49

Novel landmine detectors based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) have passed their first field-trial tests. Built by the Sydney-based company mRead, the devices could speed up the removal of explosives in former war zones. The company tested its prototype detectors in Angola late last year, finding that they could reliably sense explosives buried up to 15 cm underground — the typical depth of a deployed landmine.

Landmines are a problem in many countries recovering from armed conflict. According to NATO, some 110 million landmines are located in 70 countries worldwide including Cambodia and Bosnia despite conflict ending in both nations decades ago. Ukraine is currently the world’s most mine-infested country, making vast swathes of Ukraine’s agricultural land potentially unusable for decades.

Such landmines also continue to kill innocent civilians. According to the Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, nearly 2000 people died from landmine incidents in 2023 – double the number compared to 2022 – and a further 3660 were injured. Over 80% of the casualties were civilians, with children accounting for 37% of deaths.

Humanitarian “deminers”, who are trying to remove these explosives, currently inspect suspected minefields with hand-held metal detectors. These devices use magnetic induction coils that respond to the metal components present in landmines. Unfortunately, they react to every random piece of metal and shrapnel in the soil, leading to high rates of false positives.

“It’s not unreasonable with a metal detector to see 100 false alarms for every mine that you clear,” says Matthew Abercrombie, research and development officer at the HALO Trust, a de-mining charity. “Each of these false alarms, you still have to investigate as if it were a mine.” But for every mine excavated, about 50 hours is wasted on excavating false positives, meaning that clearing a single minefield could take months or years.

“Landmines make time stand still,” adds HALO Trust research officer Ronan Shenhav. “They can lie silent and invisible in the ground for decades. Once disturbed they kill and maim civilians, as well as valuable livestock, preventing access to schools, roads, and prime agricultural land.”

Hope for the future

One alternative landmine-detecting technology option is NMR, which is already widely used to look for underground mineral resources and scan for drugs at airports. NMR results in nuclei inside atoms emitting a weak electromagnetic signal in the presence of a strong constant magnetic field and a weak oscillating field. As the frequency of the signal depends on the molecule’s structure, every chemical compound has a specific electromagnetic fingerprint.

The problem with using it to sniff out landmines is pervasive environmental radio noise, with the electromagnetic signal emitted by the excited molecules being 16 orders of magnitude weaker than that used to trigger the effect. Digital radio transmission, electricity generators and industrial infrastructure all produce noise of the same frequency as the one the detectors are listening for. Even thunderstorms trigger such a radio hum that can spread across vast distances.

mRead scanner
The handheld detectors developed by MRead emit radio pulses at frequencies between 0.5 and 5 MHz. (Courtesy: mRead)

“It’s easier to listen to the Big Bang at the edge of the Universe,” says Nick Cutmore, chief technology officer at mRead. “Because the signal is so small, every interference stops you. That stopped a lot of practical applications of this technique in the past.” Cutmore is part of a team that has been trying to cut the effects of noise since the early 2000s, eventually finding a way to filter out this persistent crackle through a proprietary sensor design.

MRead’s handheld detectors emit radio pulses at frequencies between 0.5 and 5 MHz, which are much higher than the kilohertz-range frequencies used by conventional metal detectors. The signal elicits the magnetic resonance response in atoms of sodium, potassium and chlorine, which are commonly found in explosives. A sensor inside the detector “listens out” for the particular fingerprint signal, locating a forgotten mine more precisely than is possible with conventional metal detectors.

With over two million landmines laid in Ukraine since 2022, landmine clearance needs to be faster, safer, and smarter

James Cowan

Given that the detected signal is so small, it has be amplified, but this resulted in adding noise. The company says it has found a way to make sure the electronics in the detector do not exacerbate the problem. “Our current handheld system only consumes 40 to 50 W when operating,” says Cutmore. “Previous systems have sometimes operated at a few kilowatts, making them power-hungry and bulky.”

Having tested the prototype detectors in a simulated minefield in Australia in August 2024, mRead engineers have now deployed them in minefields in Angola in cooperation with the HALO Trust. As the detectors respond directly to the explosive substance, they almost eliminated false positives completely, allowing deminers to double-check locations flagged by metal detectors before time-consuming digging took place.

During the three-week trial, the researchers also detected mines that had a low content of metal, which is difficult to spot with metal detectors.“Instead of doing 1000 metal detections and finding one mine, we can isolate those detections and very quickly before people start digging,” says Cutmore.

Researchers at mRead plan to return to Angola later this year for further tests. They also want to finetune their prototypes and begin working on devices that could be produced commercially. “I am tremendously excited by the results of these trials,” says James Cowan, chief executive officer of the HALO Trust. “With over two million landmines laid in Ukraine since 2022, landmine clearance needs to be faster, safer, and smarter.”

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Vacuum expertise enables physics research

8 janvier 2025 à 18:07

Whether creating a contaminant-free environment for depositing material or minimizing unwanted collisions in spectrometers and accelerators, vacuum environments are a crucial element of many scientific endeavours. Creating and maintaining very low pressures requires a holistic approach to system design that includes material selection, preparation, and optimization of the vacuum chamber and connection volumes. Measurement strategies also need to be considered across the full range of vacuum to ensure consistent performance and deliver the expected outcomes from the experiment or process.

Developing a vacuum system that achieves the optimal low-pressure conditions for each application, while also controlling the cost and footprint of the system, is a complex balancing act that benefits from specialized expertise in vacuum science and engineering. A committed technology partner with extensive experience of working with customers to design vacuum systems, including those for physics research, can help to define the optimum technologies that will produce the best solution for each application.

Over many years, the technology experts at Agilent have assisted countless customers with configuring and enhancing their vacuum processes. “Our best successes come from collaborations where we take the time to understand the customer’s needs, offer them guidance, and work together to create innovative solutions,” comments John Screech, senior applications engineer at Agilent. “We strive to be a trusted partner rather than just a commercial vendor, ensuring our customers not only have the right tools for their needs, but also the information they need to achieve their goals.”

In his role Screech works with customers from the initial design phase all the way through to installation and troubleshooting. “Many of our customers know they need vacuum, but they don’t have the time or resources to really understand the individual components and how they should be put together,” he says. “We are available to provide full support to help customers create a complete system that performs reliably and meets the requirements of their application.”

In one instance, Screech was able to assist a customer who had been using an older technology to create an ultrahigh vacuum environment. “Their system was able to produce the vacuum they needed, but it was unreliable and difficult to operate,” he remembers. By identifying the problem and supporting the migration to a modern, simpler technology, Screech helped his customer to achieve the required vacuum conditions improve uptime and increase throughput.

Agilent collaborates with various systems integrators to create custom vacuum solutions for scientific instruments and processes. Such customized designs must be compact enough to be integrated within the system, while also delivering the required vacuum performance at a cost-effective price point. “Customers trust us to find a practical and reliable solution, and realize that we will be a committed partner over the long term,” says Screech.

Expert partnership yields success

The company also partners with leading space agencies and particle physics laboratories to create customized vacuum solutions for the most demanding applications. For many years, Agilent has supplied high-performance vacuum pumps to CERN, which created the world’s largest vacuum system to prevent unwanted collisions between accelerated particles and residual gas molecules in the Large Hadron Collider.

particle collider
Physics focus: The Large Hadron Collider (Courtesy: Shuttershock Ralf Juergen Kraft)

When engineering a vacuum solution that meets the exact specifications of the facility, one key consideration is the physical footprint of the equipment. Another is ensuring that the required pumping performance is achieved without introducing any unwanted effects – such as stray magnetic fields – into the highly controlled environment. Agilent vacuum experts have the experience and knowledge to engineer innovative solutions that meet such a complex set of criteria. “These large organizations already have highly skilled vacuum engineers who understand the unique parameters of their system, but even they can benefit from our expertise to transform their requirements into a workable solution,” says Screech.

Agilent also shares its knowledge and experience through various educational opportunities in vacuum technologies, including online webinars and dedicated training courses. The practical aspects of vacuum can be challenging to learn online, so in-person classes emphasize a hands-on approach that allows participants to assemble and characterize rough- and high-vacuum systems. “In our live sessions everyone has the opportunity to bolt a system together, test which configuration will pump down faster, and gain insights into leak detection,” says Screech. “We have students from industry and academia in the classes, and they are always able to share tips and techniques with one another.” Additionally, the company maintains a vacuum community as an online resource, where questions can be posed to experts, and collaboration among users is encouraged.

Agilent recognizes that vacuum is an enabler for scientific research and that creating the ideal vacuum system can be challenging. “Customers can trust Agilent as a technology partner,” says Screech. “We can share our experience and help them create the optimal vacuum system for their needs.”

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