Canada appeared last week to be undergoing a paroxysm over U.S. President Donald Trump. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau incited public fears three weeks ago by declaring before a microphone he knew to be open that Trump was serious about taking over Canada. A knowledgeable and worldly friend who always has perceptive opinions on world affairs wrote me last weekend expressing his concern that Trump was making a spheres of influence agreement with Russia that would permit President Vladimir Putin to absorb Ukraine while the U.S. took over Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal Zone. None of this is happening. When he was first elected president eight years ago, many otherwise or apparently serious people made outrageous allegations, such as the national intelligence director, James Clapper, who declared that Trump was a Russian intelligence asset who had been elected by Russian manipulation of the 2016 election. All of this was demonstrated to be utter fiction. And we have now, after Trump has surmounted corrupt political impeachments and prosecutions and assassination attempts, and won an uncontestedly fair election (and complete acquittal) from the majority of his countrymen, graduated to the point where his legitimacy as president is accepted, but fantastic schemes of collusion with America’s rivals and aggression against its allies are being imputed to him by people who know better.
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